Chapt. 12

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  *Not edited*

      Pushing through the police station doors, I looked around for where I needed to meet up with officer Jackson. The receptionist waved me over so she could help. She pointed me in the direction that officer Jackson. Once I went to where she told me, I saw Jackson looking at a window. 

   "Officer Jackson," I said as I approached him with my hand out ready to shake it. 

   "Bradley, " he replied while shaking my hand. 

   He pointed towards the window, "There he is." 

      As I looked through the window, I saw Alex's miserable self sitting at the table with his head in his bruised and bloodied knuckles. 

      "So how much time do you think he'll get?" I asked, not being able to take my eyes off of his pathetic body. 

      "I don't think he'll be doing any time."

       I turned to him, "You're kidding me right? You have to be fucking kidding me." 

      "They brought him in sometime early this morning but some dumb ass didn't put him in the computer system and since this isn't my district, I didn't know that they were here until I personally made a visit. Apparently he was passed out and hasn't talked much, but from what he's said he was in a bar fight last night."

     "You can't possibly believe him."

     He walked over passed the next door and to another window that he pointed to. "this is the guy that he got into a fight with. I talked to the bartender, he's the one who called the police on them, and he said that before he did they had been going back and forth but he finally had enough. I talked to some of the regulars and all of times match up with his story. We don't have any proof that he was the one who attacked Mia." 

     I looked into the window and saw a guy that seemed a little older than me with an eye that was closed shut and other bruises. 

     "When does he get out?" I asked

     "Later today, probably. You guys should lay low for a while, maybe stay at a hotel or something." 

     I just shook my head as I walked out of the building. I heard officer Jackson calling after me but I ignored him as I walked to the truck. Speeding down the highway, I navigated my way to Mia's house. I needed to get her out of this place as soon as possible. Once I arrived, I busted through the front door. As I walked in, I saw some blood stains at the bottom of the steps and a few broken banister poles that she must have hit when she fell. My mind tried to replay what had happened that night. It just made my blood boil more. I hated him so much. 

    Doing my best, I shoved the hateful thoughts to the back of my mind and headed up the stairs. I found where a few suit cases and backpacks were and grabbed each one and took it into her room. I saw the broken door and other things on the floor as I went in. Going into her closet and rummaging through her dresser, I found where she kept a few of her very lacey underwear, two bras, and a few thongs. My mind couldn't help itself from imagining her wearing them, how they must look great on her beautiful body. Realizing I was wasting time, I continued grabbing as many clothes and shoes as I could and shoved them into the larger suit case, as well as a tote. With the backpack that I found, I went into her bathroom and grabbed some of the things that were on her counter, tooth brush, contacts, her glasses, ect. Me being a man, I had no idea what she would need. I figured most anything that she needed I would just buy her once I got her settled in. 

    Once I got everything I thought that she may need, I left the house and headed for the hospital. I was afraid she was going to be upset when I told her that we needed to leave, but she wasn't. She was grateful...grateful that I cared enough to help her.

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