Chapt. 6

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Bradley's P.O.V.

By the time the movie was almost over I was fighting the impending tears so much that I could barely breathe. Never have I been so thankful for a girl to fall asleep when watching a movie with her, but tonight, it was the best thing that could have happened. As I watched the old couple die together, a tear rebelled and rolled down my face. 

I will never watch this movie again dammit. 

She started to move around, shit, she was going to see my red eyes. 

"Oh my gosh, I missed the whole thing?" She said as she rubbed her eyes. "So how did you--" she stopped when she saw my eyes. 

A sinful grin spread across her face, "I KNEW IT!" She yelled and I just narrowed my eyes at her, "Shut up, it isn't funny."

After watching her belly laugh for about a minute I couldn't help laughing along with her. 

She looked into my puffy eyes, "I'm sorry." She said, you could obviously tell she was holding back laughter while she was trying to be apologetic. 

"No, you're not." I stated and there she went again, laughing like crazy. I just shook my head, this is why I don't watch these kind of movies. 

"No, really, I am sorry." She said wiping the tears caused from laughter away from her eyes. 

I rolled my eyes, " Sure you are." 

"I'm hungry, you want some food?" She asked and I laughed a little, she can be so random at times. 

"Yeah, sure, what do you have?" 

She laughed, "when I say 'want some food', I really mean, 'let's go to McDonald's." She stood up and grabbed her keys, "Let's go."


As we drove in her car that had like forty air fresheners that made it smell like a florist, zebra seat covers, and trash all over, we listened to extremely loud indie/psychedelic music. I guess that's what she likes. 

We pulled up to the window and I told her what I wanted, which was like a nuggets and a soda. Mia on the other hand, ordered 2 Big Macs, an extra large frie, a coke, and milkshake. 

As we waited at the window for the food, I looked at her tiny frame,"For a tiny lady, you sure do eat a lot." 

She put her hands up like she couldn't help it, "Gotta feed the beast, when I'm hungry I could kill."

"I'll keep that in mind."

We got our food and she said she was going to take me to a place where she loved to sit, eat food, and look at the view. 

As we drove up what felt like a mountain, we got where we wanted to be. Once we got and walked to a picnic bench, I realized why she liked it so much. It was on top of a very steep hill, but over looked the small town. 

I ate my nuggets while she ate both her burgers, like a 1,000 fries, drank her coke , and milkshake. I felt really wimpy; earlier I cried, now I'm eating nuggets while sitting across a girl who is eating a meal for like two or three people. and to top it off, she finished before me. 

"That was great" She said as she rubbed her flat stomach and burped, "Oh sorry, that was rude." she said, a little embarrassed. 

I burped a loud burp, much louder than her. Okay, that had to have gotten me back a couple of points. 

We looked at the city, the lights which lit up the sky, the stars twinkling like they do. 

"Do you think he is okay?"

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