Chapt. 11

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While she slept, I thought of where he could be right now. She can't stay here anymore, not if they don't find him. I kept thinking of where I could take her. Maybe I should go find the bastard and kill the fu***** pr*ck.

Her small hand was still in mine as I thought of these things while I took in all of her absolute beauty. The sun was breaking through the cheap blinds of the room and casting rays over her bruised face. It had gotten much worse since I had first arrived but she was still beautiful to me and I've never wanted to be with her more. Every hour or so, a nurse would come and check on her. They would stand at the nursing station looking in at us and letting out silent "oos" and "ahh". Apparently, they thought of this story as romantic, which in a way I guess it was if you took out the part of us being in a hospital after Mia was almost killed. Yeah, if you take that part out I guess we're pretty hot.

My eyes were about to shut when I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand. Looking over, I saw Mia slowly opening her eyes. As I leaned over closer to her, I softly said her name, "Mia, sweetie, I'm here."

She swallowed hard, and slowly opened her eyes all the way. The pain was evident and I pushed the button so a nurse would come in and examine her since she was awake.

Once she locked eyes with me, tears started to form and she started to cry again. I tried calming her down, but nothing was working. Two nurses came in and gave her a small dose of a mild sedative as well as pain medicine and a new IV. She ended up sinking back into the bed once the medicine started to affect her, and every once in a while a tear would slip down her face and she would say something about the baby, which broke my heart for her every time. The doctor came in and asked her routine questions, like if she had pain and if so where, and so on.

She replied quietly, answering that she had a headache but the most pain was in her rib and abdominal area. He wrote some notes and told her that he was going to come back later to check on her.

Shortly after he left, the same police man from yesterday gently knocked on the door before entering. He asked me to leave so he could ask her questions. When she heard I had to leave the room, worry appeared in her eyes. Standing up from my seat, I unwilling let go of her cold hand so I could go.

I'll be back soon"

I walked out side of the hospital and looked at my phone. Missed calls and texts were taking up the entire front screen. My roommate was asking about his car, the RA left messages, and so on.

I called the RA, Erik, back first and explained the situation, which I technically lied about Mia was my girlfriend and implied that she was in a car accident. He said that he understood but was thinking that the Sargent wasn't going to like it and there was a big possibility that I was going to get kicked out and fail. I told him that I would come back to school this afternoon to talk to the Sargent about things. Not that I wanted to fail, but I had no regrets about coming here last night to be with her.

Mia's P.O.V

"Ma'am, do you know why you're here?" The green eyed officer asked as he sat down in the chair and prepared to write some things in his note pad.

I had to think. Why was I here? I've been sleeping for so long and each time I've woken up they put me right back out. I tried thinking what had happened, why I was here, but between feeling numb and extremely drowsy. I was stumped.

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