Never again

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The sun barely rose when Sana, Yoongi, and Jungkook stumbled into the hospital, still suffering the effects of last night’s epic party. Hungover and regretting every shot they took, they dragged their feet through the corridors, attempting to hide their fatigue beneath bleary-eyed stares. Unfortunately, they couldn’t escape the sharp gaze of Dr. Im Nayeon, who immediately noticed their sorry state.

“You three look awful,” Nayeon said, raising an eyebrow. “Guess who’s on pit duty today?”

Groans escaped from the trio. They knew what was coming, and it wasn’t pretty.

In contrast, Jihyo and Dahyun moved through the hospital like they were on fire. Fully alert and ready for the day, they were about to tackle major surgeries—Jihyo, a brain bleed, and Dahyun, a kidney transplant for a child. Dahyun was even scheduled to take a helicopter to retrieve the kidney from a hospital in another city, which instantly made the hungover trio even more bitter.

“I’m flying to save a life,” Dahyun announced casually as she passed by Yoongi, Sana, and Jungkook, grinning. “You guys… try not to faint in the pit.”

Yoongi muttered something unintelligible under his breath, Sana leaned against the nearest wall, and Jungkook stared at the floor, battling nausea.


The trio was thrown into the fast-paced chaos of the ER—minor car accidents, sprains, cuts, and constant complaints from walk-in patients. It was enough to make their heads spin, but not in a good way.

Yoongi, his usual sharpness dulled, groaned as he examined a patient with a broken arm. “I swear… if I survive this day, I’m never partying again.”

Sana, ever the optimist even through a hangover, tried her best to keep up. But when she treated a patient with a sprained ankle, she shot a sideways glance at Jungkook, who was pale and shaking. “We’re never drinking that much again, right?”

“I’m never drinking ever again,” Jungkook muttered, feeling nauseous just from the antiseptic smell.

In between handling patients, they heard updates about Jihyo’s brain bleed surgery and Dahyun’s helicopter adventure. Each update drove home how badly they were missing out on the action, and how much they were paying for their poor decisions the night before.

“Jihyo’s handling a brain surgery right now,” Yoongi grumbled, pressing an ice pack to his forehead, “and I’m stuck stitching up paper cuts.”

“Dahyun’s literally flying in a helicopter,” Sana sighed dramatically, looking like she might cry from the injustice of it all.

Jungkook just groaned, slumped over against the wall between patients. “Why do we do this to ourselves?”


Up in the air, Dahyun was in her element, adrenaline pumping through her veins. The helicopter ride to another city to harvest the kidney felt exhilarating, though the weight of the responsibility kept her focused. A child’s life was in her hands, and she would not fail them.

Once at the neighboring hospital, she swiftly retrieved the kidney, ensuring everything was prepped for a safe return. Despite the high-stakes pressure, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. This is why she became a surgeon—to make a difference, to save lives.

As the helicopter soared back to their hospital, kidney in hand, Dahyun grinned to herself, ready to be the hero of the day.


Meanwhile, Jihyo was deep into her brain bleed surgery. The OR was tense, but she was laser-focused. Her hands moved with precision, and her mind worked through each step of the surgery with confidence and expertise. She thrived in these high-pressure situations, and her team followed the attending's order without hesitation.

The surgery was a success. As Jihyo left the OR, peeling off her gloves, she felt an immense satisfaction knowing she’d just saved a life. It was just another day for her, but still, she couldn’t wait to rub it in the faces of the hungover trio later.


Back in the ER, the day finally wound down, but for Yoongi, Sana, and Jungkook, it couldn’t end fast enough. Their bodies ached, and their heads still throbbed as they dragged themselves into the on-call room. They collapsed onto the couches, utterly spent.

At that moment, Dahyun and Jihyo strolled in, looking victorious and fresh, with smiles on their faces.

“So…” Dahyun grinned wickedly, “how was the pit?”

The trio groaned in unison, too tired to form words.

Jungkook, his face buried in a pillow, grumbled, “Never again.”

Yoongi shook his head, regretting every drink he had. “No more parties for me.”

Sana leaned back, utterly defeated. “Let’s just… not do that again.”

Dahyun and Jihyo exchanged amused glances, clearly pleased with their triumphant day. Just as they were about to exit the room, Dr. Im Nayeon popped her head in, a smirk playing on her lips.

“Survived the pit, I see,” she said, teasingly. “Maybe next time, you’ll think twice before partying on a work night.”

They all nodded tiredly, and Nayeon laughed softly before walking out. The lesson was learned, and though they’d made it through the day, one thing was certain: the next time someone suggested a party, they’d be the first to say no—at least for the next few weeks.

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