the new girl

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The hospital halls were buzzing as the interns prepared for another demanding day, and Dahyun found herself assigned to a new case alongside Miyawaki Sakura, a fellow first-year intern. While Dahyun had hoped to get a better grasp of working with Dr. Kim Taehyung, today would also test her patience in another way.

Sakura, ambitious and eager to make an impression, seemed determined to prove herself—especially in front of Taehyung. From the moment they stepped into the OR, Sakura was hovering near him, every question directed at Taehyung with an almost desperate need for validation.

“Dr. Kim, do you think I should use a more delicate approach here?” Sakura asked, her voice tinged with excitement as she worked on a minor incision. “I want to ensure that my technique matches your standard.”

Taehyung, as stoic as ever, gave a noncommittal nod. “Just focus on the procedure, Dr. Miyawaki.”

Dahyun, standing across from Sakura, raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t just the constant questions that bothered her. It was the way Sakura angled her body toward Taehyung, the flirtatious undertone in her voice, and the way she tried to dominate every conversation. It left a sour taste in Dahyun’s mouth.

Throughout the surgery, Sakura continued to vie for Taehyung’s attention.

“Dr. Kim, I studied your case notes from the previous surgery,” Sakura said, flashing a confident smile. “I think you handled it brilliantly. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how we could apply a similar technique here.”

Dahyun internally groaned. *Does she ever stop?*

Taehyung glanced at Sakura, his expression unreadable. “We’ll stick to the basics for now, Dr. Miyawaki.”

Dahyun could see through Sakura’s constant need to prove herself—not just as a doctor but as a woman who clearly sought Taehyung’s approval. It was frustrating. They were here to learn and save lives, not engage in some competition for attention.

As the surgery progressed, Dahyun kept her head down, focusing on the patient rather than the dynamic between Sakura and Taehyung. But she couldn’t shake the strange feeling building inside her. There was something off about how Sakura was pushing herself, and it made Dahyun uneasy.

Once the procedure was over and they scrubbed out, Dahyun had had enough.

“Sakura,” Dahyun said, wiping her hands on a towel, “you don’t need to keep trying to impress him. We’re all here to learn.”

Sakura blinked, momentarily caught off guard. “I’m just making sure I stand out. Dr. Kim is one of the best residents, and if I want to get ahead, I need to prove that I’m just as capable.”

Dahyun held back a sigh. “It’s not about standing out or trying to get his approval. He’s tough on all of us because he expects us to be good surgeons. We’re in the same boat.”

Sakura shot her a sharp glance. “Easy for you to say. You seem to get along just fine with him.”

Dahyun crossed her arms. “Trust me, it hasn’t been easy. But this isn’t a competition. We’re supposed to help each other.”

Sakura huffed but didn’t argue further. It was clear she wasn’t backing down from her need to stand out, and the tension between them simmered beneath the surface.


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the hospital, Sana found herself working with Min Yoongi and their new resident, Dr. Jeon Wonwoo. Sana, always bright and eager, had an easy time connecting with the patients, while Yoongi’s quiet determination earned him praise from Wonwoo.

“You two make a good team,” Wonwoo said after they successfully finished their rounds. “Keep up the good work.”

Sana smiled, but Yoongi only nodded, his mind occupied with the complexities of their next case. Despite their differences in personality, the two had developed a solid working rhythm, and both were grateful that their resident wasn’t as intense as others.

Jihyo, on the other hand, was still adjusting to working under Dr. Kim Jennie. While she had begrudgingly admitted Jennie’s skill, their personalities continued to clash. Jihyo’s sharpness and Jennie’s no-nonsense approach made for an interesting, if not tense, partnership.

“Dr. Park,” Jennie said during a patient consult, her voice firm. “If you spent half the time you use questioning me on actually observing, you might learn something.”

Jihyo bit her lip, holding back her retort. She knew Jennie was right, but her competitive nature made it difficult to back down.

Then there was Jungkook.

Lisa had been riding him harder than ever, and it was starting to wear on him. Every day felt like a battle to prove himself, and no matter what he did, it never seemed to be enough.

“Dr. Jeon,” Lisa said as they finished another grueling surgery. “Your overconfidence is still a problem. You need to remember that this isn’t about showing off. It’s about saving lives.”

Jungkook, sweat dripping from his forehead, nodded but remained silent. Deep down, he knew she was right, but it didn’t make the constant criticism any easier to bear.


As the day came to a close, the interns gathered in the locker room, exhausted but reflective.

Dahyun slumped onto a bench beside Sana, who looked as radiant as ever, despite the long hours. “Rough day?” Sana asked, noticing the furrow in Dahyun’s brow.

Dahyun sighed. “It’s Sakura. She’s… trying too hard to impress Taehyung.”

Sana chuckled softly. “It’s not the first time I’ve seen that. You know how some people get when there’s a good-looking resident around.”

Dahyun frowned. “It’s more than that. It’s like she’s constantly trying to prove herself, and it’s affecting how she works.”

Sana nudged her gently. “Don’t let it get to you. You know you’re doing a great job. Taehyung will notice that eventually.”

Dahyun smiled faintly, appreciating Sana’s reassurance. Still, something told her this situation with Sakura was far from over.

As they all headed out for the night, one thing became clear: while each intern was learning in their own way, the pressures of competition, ego, and ambition were beginning to weigh heavily on their shoulders. But amidst it all, they were slowly realizing that survival in the surgical program wasn’t just about skill—it was about navigating the complex dynamics between them, their residents, and the patients they were sworn to protect.

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