Trial by fire

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The next morning at Seoul Memorial Hospital began in a flurry of controlled chaos. Kim Dahyun, barely shaking off the exhaustion from her first month as a surgical intern, was back on her feet at 5 a.m. for early rounds. The hospital lights felt too bright, and her coffee hadn't quite kicked in yet.

"Why do they even call it morning when it's this early?" Jeon Jungkook grumbled, rubbing his eyes as they gathered near the patient board.

Dr. Im Nayeon strolled in with the same confident swagger as yesterday, a clipboard in hand. Her expression was hard to read, but her voice carried the same no-nonsense tone.

"Alright, interns. Today is a new day, and if you thought yesterday was hard, you're in for a surprise. We're starting with rounds, and then you'll be assigned to different patients for the day."

As they began rounds, Nayeon led them down the hall, stopping occasionally to update charts, issue orders, or quiz the interns on medical conditions. They moved from room to room, the rhythm of the hospital setting in. Dahyun's nerves were still high, but she tried to focus, taking notes and mentally preparing herself for the day.

Suddenly, Nayeon stopped in front of one room and turned to face them, her expression more serious than usual. "This next patient is... complicated," she said, her eyes briefly glancing through the glass door. "Assault victim. A young woman in her early twenties was brought in last night. She's stable for now, but there's more to the situation than meets the eye."

Dahyun's heart sank at Nayeon's words. She had prepared herself for surgeries, for medical emergencies-but cases like this? They were different. More delicate. More painful.

"Minatozaki, Kim, you're with me on this one. The rest of you, keep going on rounds."

Dahyun and Sana exchanged glances, unsure of what to expect as they followed Nayeon into the room.

Inside, the assault victim lay in bed, hooked up to machines monitoring her vitals. She was bruised, her face swollen from the attack, and her arms bore defensive wounds. Her chart indicated her name was Lee Hyori.

The room was quiet, save for the soft beeping of the machines. Dahyun felt a wave of sadness hit her as she looked at Hyori. She tried to keep her emotions in check, reminding herself that she needed to stay professional.

"Hyori," Nayeon said softly, standing by her bedside. "I'm Dr. Im, and these are Dr. Kim and Dr. Minatozaki, two of our surgical interns. We're going to help take care of you."

Hyori's eyes fluttered open, and she glanced at them weakly. Her expression was distant, as if she was still processing what had happened to her.

Sana stepped forward, her voice gentle. "Is there anything we can do for you? Anything you need?"

Hyori didn't respond at first. She stared out the window, her eyes unfocused. Nayeon shot a look at Dahyun, silently signaling her to approach.

Dahyun swallowed her nerves and stepped forward, trying to maintain a calm, comforting presence. "We're going to do everything we can to help you," Dahyun said softly. "You're safe here."

Hyori slowly turned her head to look at Dahyun, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "It hurts," she whispered.

Dahyun nodded, understanding that the pain wasn't just physical. "I know. But we're here for you."

Nayeon observed for a moment before speaking. "She'll need surgery to repair some of the internal damage. We'll be heading to the OR in an hour. Dr. Kim, you're scrubbing in."

Dahyun blinked in surprise. Another surgery, and this time on someone who had suffered in ways beyond just medical trauma. The responsibility weighed heavily on her shoulders, but she nodded. "Yes, Dr. Im."

As they stepped out of the room, Dahyun's mind was racing. She glanced at Sana, who looked equally unsettled by the case.

"How do we deal with this?" Dahyun whispered as they made their way to prep for surgery. "How do we... handle something so terrible?"

Sana gave a small, sad smile. "We focus on helping her heal. That's the only thing we can control right now."


The surgery to repair Hyori's internal injuries was tense. The OR was quieter than usual, the gravity of the situation weighing on everyone present. Nayeon guided Dahyun through the procedure, but her usual sharpness was softened, her commands steady yet compassionate.

"Careful with the sutures," Nayeon instructed as Dahyun worked on closing up one of the deeper lacerations. "You don't want to cause further damage."

Dahyun nodded, her hands steady despite the pressure. She could feel the weight of Hyori's life in her hands, knowing this was more than just a medical procedure. This was about giving her a chance to recover, to reclaim her life.

The surgery ended without complications, but as they finished up, Nayeon turned to Dahyun. "Good work in there, Kim. But remember, healing isn't just physical. She'll need more than just surgery to recover from this."

Dahyun nodded, knowing that no matter how perfect her stitches were, it wouldn't be enough to fix the emotional scars.


Later that evening, after a long day, Dahyun found herself back in front of the large glass windows overlooking the city. The lights of Seoul glittered below, but her mind was heavy with the events of the day.

Sana joined her, standing quietly by her side for a few moments before speaking. "Tough day."

Dahyun nodded. "I don't know how we're supposed to get used to this."

"We're not," Sana said softly. "We're just supposed to keep doing our best, no matter how hard it gets."

As the two stood in silence, the reality of their chosen career settled in. There would be days like this-days where the emotional toll felt overwhelming. But there would also be moments where they could make a difference, no matter how small.

And that, Dahyun realized, was what made it worth it.

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