fine line

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Dahyun's pov:

"There's a fine line between what you want and what you're afraid of. In medicine, we're taught to make decisions with clarity, logic, and purpose. But when it comes to matters of the heart, that clarity disappears, and you're left trying to figure out what's worth risking... and what isn't."


*The Cafeteria

Dahyun sat with her usual group in the hospital cafeteria, the buzz of conversations filling the air. Sana and Jihyo were gossiping about the latest hospital drama while Jungkook was, as usual, causing chaos by stealing food from everyone's plates.

"Why isn't your boyfriend joining us today?" Yoongi asked casually, his eyes never leaving his phone screen as he stirred his coffee.

Dahyun froze mid-bite. "Boyfriend? What are you talking about?"

Yoongi shrugged. "You know... Taehyung? He's always hanging around you. Giving you rides, sitting with us at lunch. Seems pretty boyfriend-y to me."

Before Dahyun could respond, Jungkook chimed in, leaning across the table with his most annoying grin while grabbing a handful of fries from Jihyo's plate. "Oh, come on, Dahyun. It's obvious. The way he looks at you, the way you guys hang out-textbook couple behavior."

Jihyo smacked Jungkook's hand, narrowing her eyes. "Stop stealing my fries!"

Dahyun rolled her eyes, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, sure. Because giving someone a ride automatically makes them your significant other. By that logic, Jungkook must be dating every breathing human being with a vagina. Care to explain that, Jungkook?"

Jungkook sputtered, nearly choking on his fries as the entire table burst into laughter. Even Sana, who had been quietly picking at her food, shot him a death glare that promised he wouldn't be hearing the end of it later.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," Jungkook mumbled, his cheeks turning red under Sana's intense gaze. "I'm a very generous person."

Sana's eyes narrowed. "Generous, huh? Should I be worried?"

The group laughed harder, and Jihyo wiped a tear from her eye. "You're right, Dahyun. Jungkook flirts with anything that moves, so I guess we should all be worried."

Dahyun smirked, leaning back in her chair. "Exactly. So, no, Taehyung is *not* my boyfriend. He's just a friend. End of story."

Jungkook, still recovering from the roasting, raised an eyebrow. "For now."

Sana smacked him on the arm, and the group continued joking and teasing each other, the lighthearted atmosphere a brief reprieve from the chaos of hospital life. But deep down, Dahyun couldn't help but think about what Jungkook said. Was she and Taehyung's relationship really that obvious to everyone? And more importantly, was she in denial about it?


The peaceful lunch was cut short when their pagers went off simultaneously, the familiar shrill beep sending the interns scrambling to the ER. The chaos in the emergency room was a sharp contrast to their earlier laughter, the mood instantly shifting as they split up to handle different cases.

Dahyun focused on her patient, blocking out the noise as she assessed the situation-a man with severe head trauma from a motor vehicle collision. She quickly coordinated with the nurses, calling for a CT scan, her mind snapping into doctor mode as she pushed aside any lingering thoughts about lunch or Taehyung.

After hours of work in the ER, Dahyun finally stepped out, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Just as she was about to head to the break room, she heard a familiar voice behind her.


She turned to find Dr. Kang standing there, his hands in the pockets of his lab coat, a small but amused smile playing on his lips.

"Dr. Kang," Dahyun said, her voice more formal than it needed to be. She suddenly felt self-conscious, knowing what was coming.

He tilted his head slightly, his eyes searching hers. "I never got a call or a text from you."

Dahyun swallowed, her heart pounding in her chest. "Right. That's because... I just don't want to complicate things. Being an intern is already hard enough without... adding more to it."

Dr. Kang took a step closer, his voice soft but insistent. "I get it. You don't want to mix personal and professional. But you and I both know it's not that simple. You feel something, too."

Dahyun looked away, biting her lip. "It's not about feelings. It's about the rules. You're my boss, Dr. Kang. It's against hospital policy. And even if it wasn't, what happens if things don't work out? It'll get messy."

Dr. Kang studied her for a moment, then smiled gently. "One dinner. That's all I'm asking. If you don't like it, then that's it. No more. But if you do... we'll figure out how to make it work. I won't pressure you. But I won't pretend I don't want this."

Dahyun stared at him, torn between the pull of her feelings and the weight of everything she'd worked for. Part of her wanted to say no, to walk away and keep things professional. But another part of her-the part that had been thinking about him since that night in the bar-wanted to say yes.

She exhaled slowly, her heart racing. "Okay. One dinner."

A small, triumphant smile appeared on Dr. Kang's face, but he quickly masked it with a more professional expression. "No pressure, Dahyun. Just dinner."

He reached out and gently took her phone from her hands, typing something in before handing it back to her. "My number's still the same. Call me when you're ready."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Dahyun standing there with her phone clutched in her hand. She stared after him, her mind spinning.

Just as she was processing what had just happened, Taehyung appeared from the ER, his face set in a serious expression.

He looked at her, then at Dr. Kang's retreating figure, and his jaw tightened. "What did he want?"

Dahyun hesitated, unsure how much she wanted to reveal. "He asked me to dinner."

Taehyung's expression darkened. "And you said yes?"

Dahyun crossed her arms defensively. "It's just dinner, Tae. He's not pressuring me."

Taehyung's gaze softened, but there was still a flicker of concern in his eyes. "Dahyun, you know this is a bad idea. Dating an attending... it's not just against the rules. It could mess up everything."

"I know," Dahyun said, her voice quiet. "But... it's just one dinner. I'll figure it out."

Taehyung looked at her for a long moment, as if debating whether to say more. Finally, he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Just... be careful, okay? I don't want to see you get hurt."

Dahyun nodded, feeling the weight of his words settle over her. "I'll be careful. I promise."

As Taehyung walked away, Dahyun couldn't help but feel torn. On one hand, she knew he was right-dating an attending was a dangerous path. But on the other hand... she couldn't deny the pull she felt toward Dr. Kang.


"There's always risk in life, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. You can play it safe, stick to the rules, and never cross any lines. But sometimes... taking the risk is the only way to find out what you really want. The question is, when the lines blur, are you willing to take that step into the unknown?"

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