It's Just An Assignment

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Sexual themes


Elliot slipped one finger inside and he groaned. She was wet. He was still thrusting into her butt as he used a thumb to fool around with her clit while thrusting hard into her. She started grunting and opened her legs a little more. Elliot attached his lips to her neck again and started sucking again. 

He had no idea what had gotten into them, but he was sure he couldn't stop. Suddenly, he removed himself from her totally and she looked at him, confused. He took in a deep breath and pulled her shorts down off her body, then pulled her shirt off. She let him, a little to scared if she moved he would get scared away and they'd never speak again. He looked at her as he crouched between her legs. 

He leaned over her and kissed her lips softly, nipping down to the other side of her neck as one hand trailed down her body to reinsert his fingers inside her. She grunted as his hands started thrusting fast and hard, matched with the nips and sucking on her neck. Her arms wrapped around his back and dug her nails in. He grunted in pain and bit a little too hard, causing her to gasp and drag her hand across his back. 

"Elliot," she whispered, one hand going up to his head to hold it in a certain spot as her hips lifted off the bed. 

She was nearing her release and he knew it. He wanted to watch her orgasm, knowing he was the cause. She was holding back though. He knew she was scared of letting go of her pent up feelings, but she needed this release. He could feel the tension everywhere. "Liv," he said softly into her ear. "Let go."

If she let go now, their world would change forever. She mentally scoffed. As if it wasn't already changed by what they were doing. She kept saying to herself it was just an assignment, however, she couldn't resist much longer. The feeling was bubbling up and wouldn't go down, getting a little too painful. 

He had stayed away from her clit, but she was stubborn. She had closed her eyes and was mentally going through things, so he slowed down for a moment to a gentle thrust while she calmed down mentally. When he thought she was ready, he started back up his intense thrusting, adding a third finger to the mix. He could tell she was about to let go, but he wanted to look into her eyes. "Liv, open your eyes," he urged. 

She did, locking eyes with his as she came crashing down the other side. Her mouth fell open in a silent scream of ecstasy. He knew she was silent because of Cody in the other room. She was tightening against his fingers and he didn't want to remove them. He didn't want to move from this spot. Their eyes stayed locked into each other as he slowly started to remove his fingers until they were free of her. 

He leaned down to kiss her sweetly before moving off of her. He had no intention of forcing her to do anything else or go any further right now. He was painfully aware of his problem, but he needed to keep at least something to himself. For now at least. He could feel Liv's eyes on him as he kept his own eyes closed. 

"You going to be okay with that?" He knew she was referring to his erection. 

He couldn't help but laugh a little. "Yeah, I'll be fine," he said with a small smile. 

A small knock came at the door. Knowing it was Cody, Elliot glanced at Liv and went to the bathroom while she put clothes on again. "Yeah Cody?" 

"I'm hungry," he said softly. 

Liv smiled at him. "Okay, let's go see what we have for you."

Elliot listened from the closed bathroom door for their footsteps to fade to the kitchen before reopening the door. He sighed and leaned against the door frame. His erection was subsiding with the fear of Cody seeing an intimate moment between partners. He went to his dresser and grabbed some random casual clothing and changed into it quickly. 

Liv was cooking Cody some eggs when Elliot walking into the kitchen. His eyes got wide for a moment. He cleared his throat as he leaned against the island where Cody was sitting on a stool. He gave a smile smile, suddenly shy. "Willow, do you want me to finish cooking?" he asked wearily. 

She looked back at him with smirk. "I can cook," she insisted as she turned back around to the eggs. Elliot looked at Cody and leaned down to him. "Good luck," he said softly, which made Cody laugh. 

Liv got ready and then she dressed Cody in a few different outfits that fit well to see what did fit and didn't The clothes that were too small were going back to Elliot's house for Eli in a few years. There wasn't that many clothing for him, so Liv decided to take him out to get some nice clothes. Elliot nodded as he started to clean the dishes. 

He was really just killing time until Cragen would call. It was only ten and he said around noon. When the phone rang at eleven, he didn't bother looking at the ID. "Hello," he answered simply. 

"Gerald, how's the boy?" Zitnaker. 

Elliot was alert. "Nice, he just got here last night, so he's a little shy. Willow took him to get him some clothes he wanted."

"Ah, well. He was shy with me and Nikoli too, if you know what I mean." There was a sly laugh at the end of the sentence. Elliot wanted nothing more than to reach through the phone and strangle the life out of him. 

"Well, since I'm keeping him, I'd want him a little less shy. Not too afraid of me," Elliot explained. ZItnaker grunted and hung up without another word. 

Elliot looked at the phone totally confused. A few minutes later, the phone rang again. This time, he looked at the ID. It was Cragen. "Yeah," he answered. 

"Well, how's the boy?" Cragen asked. 

"Perfect. A few scratches, but all limbs are there. Uh, Zitnaker called and actually admitted on the phone just a few moments ago that he and Nikoli had a turn with Cody. I know you all said you bugged the place and have video in certain places." Elliot started pacing casually. This morning he forgot that there was video cameras around the apartment. 

He hoped that one of those video cameras weren't in the bedroom, but he had a feeling there was. He sighed inwardly and swallowed some nervous energy. "Oh, speaking of the videos," Cragen started. Here it was. "Fin was doing some stand in recon on the video for some greenies that got the flu and brought up a very awkward subject to me."

Elliot closed his eyes and bit his lip. "We had to do something. If we showed up to Zitnaker's on Friday with several obvious bruising then he'd get suspicious."

"Are you crazy? You're married. It was most certainly not just an assignment. You were enjoying it way too much. Also, what if the defense get a hold of that? What they'll be able to say?" Cragen scolded. 

"I know, but I didn't finish," Elliot said, reminding him he didn't go all the way. 

Cragen laughed dryly. "Yeah, that's the good news."

"What can I do to fix this?" Elliot asked. 

"Get more proof of their sex with Cody. Take him to a doctor and pretend he fell and hurt himself. Get a full exam," Cragen suggested.


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