Arrests and Lectures

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Elliot and Liv introduced Cody to Cragen, who would keep an eye on him until he got word that the bust was good. Fin and Munch were in the van that would follow Elliot and Liv all the way to the house and listen in to the bust and wait for the sign to send in the officers. In truth, Fin was itching to get in there and hit Zitnaker in the face. 

Liv ended up having Elliot put the wire on her bra while she was finishing her hair. She could have easily done it, but they both wanted just a little something more before they had to go back to normal. Holding her breasts in his hands just made his heart ache. He looked a little hard at her while she was solely focused on her hair. He was hopeless. 

Clearing his throat, he stepped back. "Okay, I'm done, we should get going within five minutes," Elliot said, looking at his watch. They stepped out of the bedroom and waved good bye to Cragen and Cody who were watching a video. Elliot grabbed the duffel bag and they headed down. 

"Testing. Can you hear us clearly?" Elliot asked as they walked down the stairs. 

Once they got outside, Fin honked the horn in response. They started walking apart, but by the time they got within eyesight of Zigtnaker's house, they were holding hands. They stopped outside and looked longingly at each other. "This is it," Elliot said in a hushed whisper. 

Liv caressed his cheek with a smile and pulled him down to her level. He knew that they shouldn't but he wrapped his free arm around her and kissed her deeply. She pulled back before it got too heavy, but the damage was done. He was beyond hooked. They knocked on the door, holding hands. 

Adam opened the door and dipped his head. He moved to the side to allow Elliot and Liv inside. "Follow me," Adam stated. 

Adam lead them into the same study were Zitnaker was waiting with Nikoli leaning against the bookcase. "Gerald, Willow!" 

Zitnaker waved Adam off and ushered Elliot and Liv to sit. "How is he?" Zitnaker asked happily. 

The hairs on Elliot's neck stood up and he resisted the urge to grab Zitnaker by the neck and throw him across the room. Elliot looked at Willow with a grin. "Yeah, he's great. A joy to our sex life," Elliot lied smoothly. 

Leaning back, he clapped his hands. "Oh, good. I know you got sloppy seconds, but I had to try him out first. He did cry but after the original shock he was quiet."

Elliot couldn't believe they were getting all of this from him. "Yeah, he was numb to everything."

Zitnaker pointed to the duffel. "That the money?"

Liv got the duffel and Nikoli came around to grab the duffel. He unzipped the duffel and checked around. "It's all there," he said to Zitnaker. 

Just then, the front door burst open. "POLICE! EVERYBODY STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" Elliot heard the anger in Fin's voice. He came in with Munch and two other police officers. He pointed to Zitnaker and Elliot. "Both of you hands up."

Elliot and Liv both did what Fin said, acting surprised. Nikoli hissed something in Russian to Munch who tightened his cuffs. Fin cuffed Zitnaker while the other two officers cuffed Liv and Elliot. They all walked out the door, looking angry. They placed Zitnaker and Nikoli in the police cruisers and the officers inside drove away quickly. 

Fin and Munch put Elliot and Liv in the back of their car and drove away, leaving the officers to deal with the rest of the aftermath, going back to the apartment to help clean everything up. Before they let Elliot and Liv go, they got the wires back and gave them a good job pat. Cragen had Cody asleep on the couch and Liv quickly went over to carry him to bed. They could spend one last night here while packing everything fake. 

Cragen waited until Elliot and Liv had closed the door to the bedroom where Cody was still knocked out before asking how it went. Elliot avoided Cragen's eyes and shrugged. "It went good. Zitnaker even elaborated a little into the molestation with Cody."

Shoving his hands in his pockets and nodding, he asked, "And where does that kiss come into play?"

Liv dropped a glass that she had brought from her place and cursed at herself. Elliot and Cragen looked over at her. "You okay Liv?" Elliot asked with worried eyes. She waved him off without answering. 

Elliot watched her for a moment longer before turning back to Cragen, who had moved more to the bedroom to talk. Elliot sighed and walked over to him. "Elliot, I warned you," Cragen said sternly. 

"She kissed me!" He retorted defensively in a hurried whisper. They glanced over at Liv, who had cleared up the broken glass and was purposefully ignoring Elliot and Cragen's talk. Elliot wished that he was the one that could ignore this conversation and Liv would have to suffer the awkwardness. 

Cragen sighed. "You need to choose. Kathy or Liv." 

"Why now? Why can't I try to at least take Liv out and see if it works with us first. Maybe it won't even work with Liv and I," Elliot suggested, heart beating fast. He knew it would work though. They had been together for ten years through everything. Even when they would argue and seemingly abandon each other, they would come back to each other each time. 

He glanced at Liv and sighed. "I don't know what I'm doing here, Cragen shook his head and patted his shoulder. 

"Elliot, you need to choose," Cragen said firmly but quietly. Raising his voice, he started walking to the door. "Tomorrow around ten the movers will be here to get everything out of here and clean the apartment. Everything you all brought here should be packed up for the movers tomorrow. Cody can come into the house tomorrow after lunch where his parents will be waiting. This is the LAST NIGHT you two have as Mr. and Mrs. Smith." 

He looked from Elliot to Liv in almost a warning before leaving. Elliot leaned against the bedroom door while Liv looked across the room to him from the island in the kitchen. "You think that was a warning or one last 'go ahead'?" Liv asked, tapping her index finger on the counter. 

Elliot looked at her longingly and walked over to her. "Does it matter?" He asked as he took her hand in his, his breath hot against her cheek. 

She closed her eyes and breathed heavily out as his lips brushed against hers. "Not really," she breathed out in a husky whisper as if she just got done running a marathon. He lead her by the hand to the bedroom quickly. 

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