Free Man

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Elliot looked over the divorce papers in the few days after Kathy stopped by. He was grateful that she wasn't going to try to fight for sole custody. He'd get them on the weekends and first choice on holidays. The older kids would probably just drift around for a few years until they got used to the idea of separate households permanently. Eli would grow up in a divided house, but hopefully he'd grow up happier than his older siblings. He'd also be an older brother to Easton and grow up beside him and hopefully more children. 

That was something they hadn't spoken about yet. If they wanted more children after Easton was born. He was honestly crossing his fingers at the possibility that Liv agrees to at least one more at the chance to have a daughter with her. He wanted a girl that had her spunk and sass and just as beautiful. 

He set his phone down on the coffee table and leaned back on the couch, watching the news. Elliot just got off the phone with Kathy, who'd stop by tomorrow at the squad room to pick up the papers and take them to her lawyer. Liv was taking a bath and forced him to think about the arrangements of the spare room. This apartment would do well for a couple of young boys, but once they started growing their family, if, they'd need a bigger space. 

"Lost in thought?" 

Elliot turned to see Liv dressed in a simple tank and pj shorts, hair still damp. He couldn't help but smile as he saw the growing bump as she sat down beside him, curling her legs up and burying her head halfway into his open arm with a satisfied sigh. He gently rubbed her arm as he retorted, "Yeah, I'm just thinking about the future."

She looked up at him, confused. "What about the future?"

"The baby, Eli and him growing up together. Us maybe having another kid and finding a house to raise them in," he said happily as the news went off. 

"How many kids do you want?" Liv asked casually with her eyes closing. She was going to sleep and Elliot was happy about that. They'd already ate dinner an hour ago and she thankfully didn't throw it up. 

He thought for a moment. He already had five, one on the way making six. "Maybe one, two?"

She didn't respond with words, but a light snore. Elliot kissed the top of her head and laid his head back to fall asleep. Violent vomiting noises woke Elliot up a few hours later. Rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the clock over the TV. Midnight. The only light came from the bathroom. He got up to see what was happening. 

Liv was hunched over the toilet throwing up what little dinner that didn't get digested. She groaned and sat back on her knees, eyes closed with pain. "Something I can do?" He asked as he leaned onto the door frame. Sometimes there wasn't much to do except comfort the mother. She gripped the sides of the toilet and lifted herself up, flushing it in the process. 

"No," she panted as she grabbed some toilet paper and dabbed at her mouth. "I'll be fine."

She wasn't fine. The kid was torturing her. She ended up having some toast and orange juice when morning came, but Easton didn't like it. "Cap, we'll be a little late. Liv's throwing up a storm." 

The indeed were around fifteen minutes late. Liv looked a little worse for wear, but she was there and ready to do her job. Groaning as she sat down at her desk, Fin came over with some Sprite. "Hey, Liv, try this. Maybe little man will like this." She took a gentle sip and raised her eyebrows. Fin patted her shoulder, pleased that he could help. 

Elliot and Liv still hadn't told anyone other than Cragen and Richard. She was exactly 28 weeks, just starting her third trimester. No one had asked who the father was. Elliot sort of figured everyone already guessed that he was the father, but they didn't ask her to prove it. Kathy showed up right at noon when a case had just came to their desk. 

Kathy smiled at Elliot who gave a dazed wave. A little girl was raped at her playground by a stranger. Elliot was about to leave for the interview with Liv. She was officially on desk duty, but since it was a little girl, Cragen gave the go ahead for her to help Elliot with the interview. Even though he had three daughters of his own, he was never good at talking to little girls about serious stuff. 

Many arguments came to mind with him and Maureen about emails, the internet, sneaking out after dark. Kathleen and her drug use then diagnosis with bipolar, and Elizabeth with her recent rebellious tendencies to talk back to her mother when her 18 year old boyfriend would come by. She was fifteen, how did she even get an 18 year old boyfriend? Elliot didn't really want to know. 

"Kathy, hey. Here's the papers. Sorry, we just got a case," Elliot said in a panicked tone, handing her the divorce papers. 

Kathy waved him off. She was completely used to it by now. "Elliot, do you want Eli this weekend?" 

Elliot thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, sure. I'll be by to pick him up after I get off Friday night," he said roughly. "Liv!"

Liv growled and waddled over to the Elevator where Elliot walked to. "I'm right here!"

She narrowed her eyes at Elliot before stepping into the elevator. Elliot did a double take to Liv in the elevator, holding the door then back to Kathy. "Go, Elliot." Elliot smiled at his ex and ran into the elevator and Kathy watched it close with heartbreak in her eyes. "Be with her," she whispered to herself.

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