The Naming of Benson Stabler

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Elliot tossed a large baby name book between his hands as he waiting for the elevator to open. He'd told Liv that he would stop and get a book for her to look through as she does her paperwork. Another three minutes and the elevator opened on SVU floor and he stepped out. Fin was talking with Liv, shaking his head judgmentally. 

"No, take it from someone that has an odd name, sometimes simple names are best," he said as he looked at Elliot. Elliot waved at him with the hand holding the book.

He handed the book to Liv and asked, "What name?" He glanced from Liv to Fin. 

Shaking his head, Fin answered as he got up off Liv's desk, "She wanted my opinion on Eros. I told her as someone with an odd name, he'll spend the rest of his like correcting people."

Elliot looked at Liv with a raised eyebrow. "Eros?"

She shrugged. "Its the God of Love," she defended herself. 

Elliot shook his head and said, "No," in a definite voice before he realized where he was. Fin was looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He cleared his throat and went to his desk to work on his paperwork, avoiding Fin's eyes that followed him for a moment before he went back to his own desk. Munch gave a loud sigh as he walked in from the bathroom with a smirk. 

"Olivia," he said as he saw the baby name book Elliot handed her. "May I request that you veer away from simple names like John and Don." Liv smiled at him and nodded. 

"Got it, nothing too simple," she laughed. 

Elliot leaned back and shook his head. When the phone started ringing, Elliot answered. It was someone on Fin and Munch's case. "Hey, Fin, your witness is at the hospital calling out for you. I'd get over there and find out what's going on," Elliot said as he hung up. He and Liv were just finishing up on the last bit of paperwork from the undercover job for the trials that were starting soon. 

Fin groaned and got up. "Munch let's go see what that girl's got for us now," he said with a worried look. 

After they left, Elliot leaned forward. "I just almost blew it without even realizing it," he hissed to Liv. 

She looked up from her book. "I realized that. I hope Fin doesn't get suspicious," she retorted. 

They worked for several hours on their paperwork, every now and then answering the phones. Cragen had benched Elliot too so he could finish the paperwork without distractions. He hated it, but if it got Zitnaker and Nikoli in jail faster, then he'd suffer through it. He just hoped they didn't ruin things too much by sleeping together. 

Speaking of that, Alex stated that she'd try to keep the footage out of the trial, but didn't know if the defense would. It might come out sooner or later, so they'd better start thinking of what to actually say to Kathy and at the trial. 

"What are we going to say to Kathy?" Elliot asked in a lower voice. He still hadn't spoken to Kathy since he left three days ago. Richard had said that she was angry, but possibly at herself. When she's putting on her makeup in the mornings, she yells at the mirror. 

Liv shrugged. "I don't even know what we're going to say at the trials," she said. 

They went home that night thinking only of what they were going to say to keep each other, their jobs, and their partnership intact. They knew that once this came to light that the entire squad would be in for it. Interviews with IAB for the entire squad and possible department moving or simply new partners. Elliot didn't know which he wanted more, for them both to stay at SVU, or one to move to another department. 

"How about Easton Julian Stabler?" Liv asked as she wrote down a few more names. 

Elliot was in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner. It was Chinese takeout and cleanup meant throwing the boxes away and leftovers in the fridge. There wasn't much leftovers actually. Some lo mein and fried rice. He thought about the name for a moment. "I like it." 

Liv smiled and closed the book. "Really?" She faced him as she shifted to a different position on the couch. "You're not just saying that?"

He went over and hovered over her sensually. "I really mean that," he said in a husky voice that made Liv shiver. He smirked at her and kissed her forehead. They couldn't do anything right now. They had to get up early tomorrow for court on the trials. 

He went to take a shower, taking off and tossing his shirt behind him at her. "Tease!" she called after him. He halted at the door and raised an eyebrow. Slowly he started to unzip his pants and pull the down. However, before Liv could get a look at him, he went into the bathroom and shut the door. 

He laughed loudly as a heavy object was thrown to the door. Elliot had a pretty good idea that it was the baby name book. That was a little too much fun for him. He decided on a fairly quick shower before getting out and finding his clean pajama pants hanging up. "Elliot!"

As he exited the bathroom in only his pajama pants, he was greeted by Kathy in the living room. He halted mid-step. He didn't even hear the knock. "Kathy," he greeted slightly awkwardly. 

Liv rubbed her stomach as she sat back on the couch while Kathy sat on the chair. "Elliot," she said slightly hoarse as if she'd been yelling all day. He walked around to sit on the couch as well, putting some distance between himself and Liv so Kathy didn't suspect anything. 

"Something wrong?" He had no idea why she showed up here all of a sudden. He prayed that Richard didn't accidentally spill something. Kathy sighed as she put her purse down. 

"I don't know, Elliot. I'm trying to work things out in my head. Richard and Liz are babysitting so I could go for a drive to clear my head. The next thing I know I'm here knocking on Liv's door and I find your badge and gun by the door. Why?" Kathy spilled. She seemed very docile at the moment. 

Elliot glanced at Liv, who looked back at Elliot and nodded slightly. Leaning forward, closer to Kathy, he opened and closed his mouth several times. "Kathy," he started, "Liv and I are together and expecting a baby."

If she was shocked, she didn't show it. She let out a short huff that sounded like a chuckle. "I sort of guessed when I saw the badge and gun by the door." There were tears in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Kathy," he said softly. 

She shook her head. "No, its not your fault. We've been done for years, but didn't want to admit it. We're too honorable and loyal to each other. However, we both deserve happiness. In fact, I met someone also. Nothing serious, but I like him."

Elliot nodded. "That's great, Kathy." 

She whipped her eyes and sniffed. She reached into her bag and pulled out a large brown envelope. Elliot knew what that was. "I filed the divorce papers. I figured you could look through them and make some changes if you want. I don't want to fight for custody if we can help it." She held them out to Elliot. 

Elliot looked at the papers and nodded absentmindedly. He took them and looked at her seriously. "I'll look it over and call you."


I think this is the best divorce I've ever gotten out of Elliot and Kathy so far. 

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