* O L I V I A ' S P O V *
I had to admit.
Missing Oscar was something I had been thinking for days. To me, it had been ten years since our breakup. I had about a week before the Monaco Grand Prix started. Lando reminded me to wear fancy clothes and makeup.
I decided 'fancy clothes and makeup' was a really good option. I had Allie and Alice meet up and help me pack. Of course, we all got along immediately. "You should start going on dating trial again."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You're single now. Try to go out on dates. Find an actual type." Alice suggested. "It's not good to trap up your feelings on your own."
"I'll try." I said. I was still trying to find a hobby - something I could make a job out of. Something that could make me number one in any rank. I just wanted to feel successful for once. "But it won't be easy."
"So try." Allie shrugged. "I mean, I'm getting therapy for me and Lando - works well."
"Does it?" I raised my eyebrows. "You guys back on track?"
"We've had a small talk." Allie nodded. "It went well, not gonna lie."
"Lando posted a picture of you two on his story yesterday. You guys are so sweet." Alice said, earning a shocked look from Allie, who obviously had no idea.
"Take that back. I did NOT see that." Allie's jaw dropped. "What do you think of this striped beige top? Take it to the after party?"
"No. A bit too... aesthetic." I flushed as they started laughing. "Something that relates to the sport."
"Oscar's shirt." Allie and Alice both said, at the same time.
"Hate you two. So much." I added the last two words.
"Love you too." Alice blew a kiss to me, in which I swatted away dramatically.
"So... what fucking dress are you wearing to the after party?" Allie frowned, searching through my closet. After a rough bit of convincing, I moved into Allie's guest room, for free.
"That's why I called you two for help. Nothing's working." They both gritted their teeth in unison. I was about to suggest something like a black sleeveless top with a black miniskirt until the doorbell rang.
"You guys ordered anything?" Alice looked at us curiously. We both shook our heads.
"I'll go get it. You guys figure out my clothes." They both nodded, staring at the pile of clothes on the floor. I headed to the door, where a delivery person stood there. He grinned, handing me a slip. "Morning. Uh, I didn't order anything?"
"Well, someone ordered it and sent it to this address. Are you... Olivia?" He asked.
"Yes...? What's in the box?" I asked.
"I'm afraid I don't know, miss." He shrugged. Poor boy looked about 16 or 17. "I've just been told to deliver them and get you to sign the slip."
"Okay." I took the slip, signed it, and handed it back to him. He handed the tiny box to me, and I was suspicious. It could be a bomb. A small one. I opened the it carefully, scared that I might trigger something.
"LIV! You okay?" I heard Allie's voice from my guest room.
"Yeah! I'm fine! Give me a sec." I answered, so they were aware of my safety. I slowly took out the box, completely mesmerized by how fucking beautiful it looked. Whoever bought this for me must've cost them thousands.