* O S C A R ' S P O V *
I wanted them back. The last memory I even had or remembered was something along the lines of kissing a certain someone. I think it was Liv, just by the looks of her hair and her eyes. I stared helplessly into the wall opposite my hospital bed.
"When do they plan on releasing a press statement?" After reviewing my state, the doctors said I'd mostly likely be fixed up in time for when Summer break ended. McLaren needed to release a statement, Zak had contacted me.
"In two days." Lando said, popping a piece of chocolate into his mouth. Some obsessive nurse had charged in and given me the box, so I just assumed she was a fan. As soon as she left, I'd shoved the box straight to Lando, who was glad he had extra snacks. "Admin's going to draft, script and print."
I chuckled. "Yes. So uh, you said you had something to tell me."
"Yeah." Lando cleared his throat, sitting up. "You know how... you lost some of your memories due to a temporary memory loss?"
I nodded. I didn't like it. I wanted whatever was taken away from me. Including my ability to remember.
"Well... you and Liv, you fought on the phone call when she was on tour with Louis Tomlinson. I think you two had a proper breakup." He admitted.
Shit. I'd completely forgotten about Louis Tomlinson. After the Monaco Grand Prix she'd willingly applied for the photography job in the Faith In The Future World Tour. Liv started spending less time in the garages and pit lanes.
It felt empty.
"Oh." I mumbled. "She's single?"
"It might affect you, a lot," Lando added quickly, glancing at the door. "She started dating Louis a few weeks ago. They hung out at the pool with us. You just can't remember."
"God." I rubbed the palm of my hand against my forehead. "I just... is she really gone? Just whisked off to another man?"
"Yes. He seems alright for her, actually," He grunted, taking his photo out. "There was this one time on tour when she got a little bit sick, and the team said it took Louis ages to push him out on stage because he didn't want to leave her."
Sounded like someone who could actually care and provide for her. As long as Liv was happy, fine. I didn't care about anything else. Even if she wasn't happy with me.
"Cool." I fiddled with my fingers. "Is she going to visit me soon?"
Allie grumbled. "That's another problem. Considering you don't remember much of your breakup, I don't think it's a good idea to just... see each other yet."
I still remembered a lot about her. The way she danced whenever One Direction was playing, the way she was cheering on for me in my McLaren garage, the way her hair smelt, the fragrance she always used. "I still know her."
"You do, you just can't remember how you broke each other's hearts." Lando tossed a chocolate in the air, and it landed straight into Allie's mouth. She grinned at him.
"I can, if you would just tell me!" I was getting fed up. They ignored me, and continued their little chocolate game. I wasn't any more comfortable after seeing them act like the perfect couple who'd reached their goals.
I remembered the moment my favourite song changed because of her. Something Great, I think the song was. Liv had pushed me to listen to it all day, and after being trapped with boredom for hours, I decided to finally listen to it.
I still remembered my favourite lyric. It was at the end of song, sung by my now mortal enemy.
'You're all I want, so much it's hurtin'...'