𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 11

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Taehyung pov ,

Three reluctant but affirmative approvals later, we were finally driving without having to stop at every border. The wolves would just stare at us as we drove by, some narrowing their eyes as if daring us to randomly stop and attack them.

Jungkook  did not seem phased at all and was completely relaxed as he drove past them without giving them a glance.

And since there was nothing to do at the moment, I took the time to study him unabashedly. I was honestly wondering if he handled everything the same way he handled my car - calm, smooth, and calculated.

"You're staring at me like I'm some sort of specimen," jungkook said, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

I placed my elbow on the dashboard and leaned my head on my hand, "Well, I have to admit I have never met anyone like you."

The world's tiniest smirk formed on his face, "That's because you're my mates. I could say the same thing about you. I have never met another hybrid like you because I never-"

"You never gave the same amount of
attention to another male who isn't jimin
or your mother," I finished for jimin.

"Exactly, except the attention I give you is
different. I don't plan on ever kissing jimin  or my mother like I do you," jimin  said calmly as if what he said did not affect him at all.

Jungkook  actually thought about kissing me
again? I haven't even given our first kiss a second thought.

"You seem to be panicking internally."

"I just-I haven't exactly thought about our
relationship yet."

"Are you a virgin?"
My elbow gave out, and my head almost slammed the dashboard as I gaped at jungkook.

"How does that relate at all?"

"I was only curious. I'm not going to be mad if you aren't because I'm not one either."
I eyed him carefully. Jungkook said he did not mind, but his hands did tighten a little around the steering wheel. He was either jealous or uncomfortable with the idea.

"I'm not a virgin. Although, I could be one. It's been almost fifty years since I had sex," I said, watching his hands loosen.

Jungkook was not the type of person to display emotion around just anyone.

He frowned, smirked, and cracked an occasional rare smile around me, but around everyone else, he was about as emotional as a pile of dirt.

Jungkook had plastered layers upon layers of this emotionless mask on his face to the point where his actions were almost robotic.

But after a close observation, I could see
there were little cracks in his mask that showed jungkook had a human side, like the way his lips would twitch when I amused him or how he clenched his fists to hide his displeasure or how he squinted at people when he didn't appreciate their tone with him.

Jungkook had a passionate side to him, the kiss proved that, but he just did not show it very often, probably because he thought of it as a weakness.

"I haven't had sex in almost a century."
I snapped out of my daze and blinked in

"A century? How old are you?"

𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼...✿ 𝓣.𝓴Where stories live. Discover now