Name: m/n okkotsu
Age: 19
Gender: male
Looks: whatever you wish
Occupation: hollow hunter and commission taker
Powers: copy (main ability)
Copy: Copy is m/n's main technique and allows him to fully utilise any ability of someone who's body part he or rika ingests, how potent the ability is fully depends on how much of a person or ether he or rika ingests. The main feature of copy is allowing m/n to use others abilities whenever he needs to, he can only currently use one ability at any given moment. The most useful feature of copy is the domain expansion given to it, authentic and mutual love, it allows m/n to use multiple techniques at once, one technique for example would be the sure hit effect and the other techniques are made up as swords that cover the area which when picked up allow m/n to use an enhanced version of an ability copied.
limitless (difficulty: extreme - unlocked)
Limitless: Limitless is a technique m/n acquired soon after he gained his powers from someone special to him, someone who willingly passed on the powers to him, the limitless is an incredibly difficult ability to use since it requires the six eyes to use.
The limitless has 5 main abilities, the first is azure/blue which allows m/n to create and pull objects, people or himself towards a specific location, not only that but he can use this ability to enhance his punches.
Next is the neutral infinity, in simple terms, the closer you go to him the slower you go.
Third is red, an ability which specifically requires the use of rct to perform as it allows m/n to propel enemies away in a large burst of energy. The most powerful and useful ability is next, domain expansion: infinite void, a domain which when caught in, causes a neural overload of information towards the person or creature entrapped into it.
Finally is the most difficult technique to pull off, imaginary technique purple, an imaginary mass which is guaranteed immense destruction whenever used, is only recommended to be used in life or death manipulation (difficultly: low - locked)
Sky manipulation: m/m is able to grab at and bend the sky in a direction of his choosing, an example of this would be bending an opponents punch or kick as it comes towards him by grabbing and pulling the sky infront of him
ink (difficulty: low - locked)
Ink: opponent's blood into a weapon, m/n can fulfill the condition for "ink". After which, m/n can use the ink to mark his opponents with a manga panel. This panel is forward from the present, allowing m/n to peer into his target's very near future, starting with just one second. As a weapon draws more blood and fills with ink, m/n is able to see further into the future, and predict things more accurately.
cursed speech(difficultly: regular - unlocked)
Cursed speech: cursed speech allows m/n to imbue his words with power to manipulate his opponents, the weight and power of his words depend entirely on how strong his opponent is, and how much energy he puts into his command, an example of this is the command "don't move" which freezes opponents.
thin ice breaker( difficulty: low - unlocked)
Thin ice breaker: this allows m/n to hit the air in front of his opponents and pierce it, sending sharp attacks to his enemies
Shrine: (difficultly: medium - locked)
Shrine: this ability allows m/n to send powerful slashes towards opponents called "cleave" and "dismantle" both of which cost a decent amount of effort and accuracy to use
Other abilities: vengeful spirit rika
Vengeful spirit rika is a ether mutant which, when she was killed, clung desperately to life and willed herself to m/n in a desperate attempt at staying alive. Now she is able to be summoned by m/n's side to help him in battle and when fully unleashed she gives a major energy boost and physical boost to m/n. Another useful feature is that rika is able to keep weapons stored inside her to be summoned in battle.
Reverse cursed technique: this ability merely allows m/n to heal himself and allies, it consumes stamina and energy quickly but can be quickly refilled depending on the circumstances
Personality: friendly, kind, helpful, willing to sacrifice, serious in battle, playful
Belle and wise - 10/100 as of chapter 1 - dosent speak to them often, however, will ask them to be his proxy from time to timeCunning hares:
Nicole, billy and anby - 0/100 as of chapter 1 - has never met them, however has heard of them due to their tendency to get into troubleVictoria house keeping:
Ellen, corin, alexandrina, lycaon - 20/100 as of chapter 1 - has been to the cafe before however doesn't interact with them often so knows little about themCriminal investigation special response:
Zhu yuan, qingyi - -10/100 as of chapter 1 - due to m/n technically doing "illegal" work the CISR has chased him before and therefore have a negative opinion on himBelobog heavy industries:
Grace, koldea, ben bigger, anton - 50/100 as of chapter 1 - m/n has been to the industry many times to fix his katana and they crew has gotten used to his presence and care for him decently wellDescription of story:
This story will not align with the main canon completely and will be more focused on m/n's adventures and his interactions with the world, as you can tell cursed energy exists somewhat in this world and some jujutsu kaisen characters will appear, i know little about both writing and the game story so i will try my best to live up to any expectations!Love interest:
There will be little to do with love in the beginning of the story but it will happen in slight bits and one shots later on, there will be one shots with different characters which will be non canon

The Cunning Copycat
ActionM/n okkotsu travels through new eridu fighting ethers, running through hollows and taking on commissions while juggling the ties hes made with some "interesting" individuals