Chapter 2: Bangboo break out part 1

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(This chapter will be one of the many side stories that m/n will go on and will add things to this universes canon which isn't in the original such as the "blue bottle wanderers")

•despite the need for dennies, m/n more often than not does jobs that don't pay him, he may need the money but when m/n Sees corruption in the city he cant help but get involved, this will of his to save others and meddle when he dosent need to has gotten him into trouble more than once, however its also been used for good, such as today, a small time gang known as the blue bottle wanderers had been stealing and doing performance issues on peoples bangboos, m/n found out about this from a ally of his as he travels to an underground facility, however he wasn't the only person looking for the blue bottle wanderers, the scene opens up on a small apparently abandoned beach at night 21:36, the CISRT had sent out qingyi and zhu yuan to find out about and take out the blue bottle wanderers and return the bangboos to their rightful owners, we see both officers climb through a broken window into a dark lab on the far side of the beach•

Zhu yuan: god this place is disgusting......

Qingyi: its for the mission zhu, we cant complain

Zhu yuan: right......

•shining her flash light ahead she sees a pair of sliding doors in front of her, walking towards them she tries to look through the darkened window only for it to he blocked by something•

Zhu yuan: how strange.....

Qingyi: what is it?

Zhu yuan: the door, whilst understandably not working, is being blocked by something from behind, maybe this lab was raided and destroyed before we even knew of its existence.....

Qingyi: I'll open it.

•qingyi walks up the door and uses some sort of electronic magnet to rewire and open the door, as soon as she does this a barrage of smoke and dust shoots out, blinding them temporarily. As they walk through and regain their vision they are shocked to see an entire underground facility, looking around the room they take not of, and copy down the notes which are repeated on the walls, not taking note of movement in the room zhu yuan is brought back to reality by the sound of a massive crash behind her, she rushes over to see qingyi being attacked by some a girl? She's half naked and seems to be grabbing and moving the sky?•

Zhu yuan: qingyi! You okay!

Qingyi: tch y-yeah, my battery i-is low though

Unknown: aw the little officer comes to assist her friend~ how cute~

Zhu yuan: who are you! *points her gun at the unknown woman*

Unknown: if you must know, you can call me uro~ however my business here is nothing to do with you so I'll give you a chance to leave unharmed, my boss is very impatient and wants the files for his little project back immediately~

Zhu yuan: you think we'll just let you leave! Surrender yourself immediately!

Uro: my my how rude~ and after i gave you the chance to escape~

•uro pulls the air around her and uses it as a bounce pad boost and smash the ground between zhu yuan and qingyi, catching them off guard, they move back and try to attack just for uro to grip the air again with both hands and moves it, this causes their attacks to bend with the air and miss•

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