16) The Author's First Signing

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New's POV

I sat in the quiet room behind the stage where my first book signing was about to take place. My heart was pounding, and my hands were slightly trembling. I had never appeared in public before, and even though I was a successful author, the thought of meeting so many people terrified me. My family and friends encouraged me, but the nervousness was still present.

"You can do this, New," I whispered to myself and took a deep breath. I knew this was an important step in my career, and I wanted to make a good impression on my fans.

When the time came, the host introduced me on stage. I tried to smile, even though I felt my heart pounding in my chest. The host started the conversation with questions about my new book, which calmed me down a bit. Talking about my work was something I loved and found fulfilling.

"Your new book is truly fascinating," the host said. "Can you tell us something about the inspiration that led you to write this story?"

I smiled and began to talk about how I was inspired by old Thai legends and myths. I spoke about the characters and the plot, and how I tried to connect traditional elements with the modern world. The fans in the audience listened intently, and I felt my nervousness slowly fading away.

But then came the question I dreaded. "And what about your personal life, New? Can you tell us something about yourself?"

I hesitated for a moment but quickly recovered. "I think I'd rather stick to the topic of the book," I said with a smile. "My personal life isn't as interesting as the stories I write."

The host smiled and nodded. "That's fine. Let's get back to your book then. What are your plans for the future?"

I continued the conversation, talking about my plans for future books and projects. When the interview ended, the host announced that it was time for the book signing. Fans started lining up, and I sat down at the table, ready to sign books.

Every fan who came had kind words and thanks for my work. I tried to exchange a few words with each one, even if it was just brief. I saw how my books brought joy to people, and that filled me with happiness.

When I signed the last book, I felt exhausted but also happy. I had overcome my fear and met my fans face to face. It was a big victory for me, and I knew this was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Tay's POV

I sat in my apartment, looking at the poster for the book signing of my favorite author. I had been a fan of his books for a long time but never had the opportunity to meet him. When I found out that the author was having his first book signing, I did everything I could to attend. I knew this might be the only chance to meet him because the author didn't like large crowds and had never held a book signing before.

When I arrived at the venue, nervousness began to overwhelm me. I was curious about what the author looked like and what he was like in person. I stood in line and waited for the book signing to start. When the host introduced the author on stage, I froze. I immediately recognized that it was my New.

Memories of our time together started flooding back. I remembered our first meeting, how we fell in love, and all the beautiful moments we shared. But I also remembered my arrogance and how I hurt New. Even though I eventually married Erika, that relationship was terrible. I thought about New the whole time and couldn't pretend anymore. After two years, I filed for divorce.

When the moment for signing books came, I approached New. My heart was pounding, and my hands were trembling. I desperately wanted to talk to New, to tell him how sorry I was and how much I still loved him. But when it was my turn, I couldn't utter a word. I just stood there, looking at New as he signed my book.

New smiled at me and thanked me for my support. I had a mask on my face, so he didn't recognize me. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't bear it. I quickly took the signed book and left the signing without New realizing I had been there.

When I got outside, I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. I knew I had to find a way to meet New and talk to him. But today, I wasn't ready for that. Today, I was just a fan meeting his favorite author. But tomorrow, or sometime soon, I would try to regain what I had lost.

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