Catching Up

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"The apocalypse?!"

"Is this another 'tiny detail' you forgot to mention?" Tony demanded. "It was in the past, I thought what you didn't know wouldn't hurt you. And we stopped it, so it wasn't that big a deal."

"Not a big deal, it's just the apocalypse. Only the end of the fucking world!" Dean held up his hands, "Hey, we stopped it then, and we can stop it now! We just have to keep from breaking the seals."

"The seals to what?" Wanda asked. "Boy we need to get you guys caught up," Dean mumbled. "The seals to hell," Sam explained. "There's no way for my brothers to escape without help, so as long as they don't get that help, we'll be fine," Cas said. "And if they do?" Steve questioned. "It's not gonna come to that. We won't let it," Dean reassured. "In the mean time, let's get you caught up on what's been goin' on."

Sam, Dean, Cas, and Gabe spent the rest of the afternoon and late evening explaining the state of Heaven, Hell, and Earth, as well as what went on in the previous years. They told them of the demons and monsters and what it meant to be a hunter. About how you had to lay everything on the line in order to save those people. They were asked serious questions and gave legitimate answers. It seemed as though the light atmosphere was gone, only to be replaced with the grim reality of their situation.

"Well gentlemen, as much as I hate to say, we'll have to continue this discussion tomorrow, as we have run out of time."

"That's my que," and with a snap of his fingers, Gabriel was gone. "Mr. Stark will show you gentlemen to your rooms now." Sam and Dean nodded, then looked at Cas.

"I must go now, but you know what to do if you need me," and empty air filled the space where Castiel stood seconds before.

"Follow me," Tony said. When they finally reached their room, it was 12:00 A.M.


Sam awoke to the sound of his cellphone ringing. "Hello?" His voice was still groggy from sleep. "Hi Sam!" Garth's cheery voice rang through the speaker.

He didn't even wait for a reply before continuing. "Hey, listen, I know it's early an' all, but I have some news you might like to hear." Sam propped himself up on his pillow. "I'm listening..."

"I was doing some research and I think there might be a case in your area. I know you guys are busy an' all, an' you had to drop the other case 'cause you're so far away, but I thought since this one's closer you might be interested."

"Well do you know what kinda case it is?" Sam asked. "Looks to me like it's a wendingo," he said. "Alright, Dean and I'll look into it."

"Okay, keep in touch." "You too," and Sam hung up. "Who was that?" Dean asked from his bed, leaning over to tie his shoe. "That was Garth. And he said there's a case in our area."

"Well we kinda have out hands full Sammy, do you really think we can go hunting and be the Avengers' personal encyclopedias?" Sam shrugged, "I'm already your encyclopedia, so what's the difference?" Dean glared at him.

"Shut up bitch."

Sam smiled. "Jerk."

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