Going On A Hunt

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A few days after the Winchesters arrived, the Avengers had learned a lot about hunting, but still had a lot to go.

"So what would happen if Micheal and Lucifer escaped hell and came to earth? What would that mean for us?" Steve asked. Dean took in a deep breath, "Worst case scenario they escape, they'll need new vessels for the war. And unfortunately me and Sammy are those vessels. We avoided it in the first apocalypse, but I don't think we'll be able to a second time. So if it happens, you have to remember that it's not us. That those angel douche bags are just borrowing our meat suits. Do whatever you have to do to stop it." The brothers made eye contact with everyone in the room.

They knew what they would have to do if the time came. God's oldest and most powerful angels would destroy the world in the process of destroying each other. If they got their vessels, they would have to kill Sam and Dean.

"But what about y-" "Don't think about us," Sam cut Bruce off. "It's all on us now. We have to come together, even if we don't like each other. I know for a fact that most all of you resents my brother, Cas, and I. And you all definitely hate Gabriel," he said. No one denied any of it. "But we have to do this."

The brothers had told Director Fury of the wendingo that was currently in the area that they had heard about from Garth. Fury had said that he didn't care what they did as long as they found time to train the team. He even suggested that they bring two team members for back up and extra training. The brothers were weary at first but eventually agreed.

"Alright, we're goin' on a hunt and your director thought it'd be best if one or two of you tagged along to get experience and extra back up. Who's the best with a gun?"

As soon as Dean spoke the word "gun" Natasha stood and made her way to the brothers. "I look forward to it boys," she spoke in her soft smooth voice. "Alright who else is going?" Sam asked. The rest were reluctant or uninterested (Tony) but Steve volunteered before any more time passed. "Alright grab whatever you need then we're heading out."


The four of them had loaded up in the impala and headed to the place where Sam and Dean positive the wendingo was hiding.

"Boy Stark would have a field day with this car," Natasha said. "Yeah, well no one's laying a hand on my baby except me."

"Well in that case: door?" Sam asked cheekily. Dean glared at him. "Bitch." "Jerk." Dean and Sam opened their doors in unison and plopped down in the seats, Steve and Natasha following suit, taking a seat in the back.

It was about an hour and a half drive to the outskirts of New York where the woods sat. The four of them rode in an uncomfortable silence for all of five minutes before Dean had enough of it and turned on the radio. His ACDC cassette was in the docking station and started blaring through the speakers without warning causing both passengers in the back to jump at the sudden sound.

Steve groaned, "Not ACDC. Tony makes us listen to it all the time." "So does Dean," Sam said. "House rules Sammy: Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole." By this time Natasha noticed the old cassette tapes. "Look Steve, something as old as you." Steve gave her an annoyed look while Dean glanced at her in the mirror.

"S'not that old," Dean mumbled while running a handle along the dash. They continued in silence save for the music blaring through the stereo. They soon arrived to the backwoods that housed the monster.

There was an old cottage with a large storm cellar where Sam and Dean thought the wendingos victims were being held.

"We get the vics first, then find the son of a bitch and torch it," Dean said. "Stay close, and keep an eye out. If you see the wendingo, yell for me or Sam." The two team members nodded and followed behind them.

Sam and Dean each held a flashlight in one hand and a gun in the other as they made their way down the huge cellar. It had obviously been modified to be bigger and was more of a labyrinth than a cellar.

They made their way down the corridor of doorways but stopped upon hearing what sounded like muffled sobbing. Sam snapped his head towards the sound and kicked the door in, Dean following.

"GET OUT! GO AWAY YOU MONSTER!" a woman screamed in
terror. "Sh sh it's okay, we're not here to hurt you ma'am," Dean spoke kindly. He made his way to the hysterical lady. "Please help! Take the child! Please, you have to help her!" she cried as she pushed the rotting corpse of what had once been a happy little girl.

Dean looked at the decaying body in his arms and couldn't help but feel guilty. If they hadn't of been so busy...

The stench was horrid. The air was heavy with mildew and the smell of rotting flesh. The putrid aroma of urine and feces mixed with body odor to create such a smell that brought tears to the eyes and made you want to puke.

The woman was wearing rags for clothes that were now soiled beyond belief, and her hair was matted and tangled. She was still pleading for him to save the child. He didn't dare tell her that it was too late for the girl. Dean scooped her in his arms bridal style as she wept tears of relief.

"Captain, take her back to the car and call for an ambulance, and look for any other survivors. When the paramedics arrive, tell them it was a bear." He nodded before taking off, Natasha in tow in search of others. Sam and Dean pulled out their torches and lighters. they had a monster to kill.

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