Through A Victim's Eyes

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Darkness. It was everywhere. It was all I could see. And now, it was the only thing I knew.

The last memory I had before the darkness was going camping with a friend. It seems like such a long time ago, I don't even remember her name anymore. We were sharing the tent when she woke up to use the restroom. I remember her going outside the tent, then a shadow and a loud scream. I heard what sounded like ripping flesh, but I wasn't sure. Of course I went out to try and help her. That was the biggest mistake of my life.

I saw it standing there, looming over me with my friend's lifeless form dangling from it's large mangled hand. I was too shocked to move, I couldn't even scream. That was the last thing I saw before waking to darkness.

There had been others with me. Now I'm the only one left I believe. I don't like thinking about what happened to the rest; hearing their flesh tearing, bones cracking, and bloodcurdling screams followed by the slapping of raw meat and chewing is enough to fuel my nightmares when I'm graced with the pleasure of unconsciousness. Now, I just sit in the darkness awaiting my turn.

"H-hello?" A small voice broke the silence. Was this reality, or was it my mind playing a cruel joke on me, like it had so many times before. I decided to answer anyway. "Yes, hello? Who's there?"

"Hello Miss. Are you the only one left?" My heart broke when I realized it was a child. No one should be subjected to this hell, especially not a child! Parents always tell you not to be afraid of the dark, that there's no such thing as monsters. Well if there's no such thing as monsters, then what in God's name was that thing?

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked.
"I'm Delany. What's your name?" I took a shallow, shaky breath. "Rachael. My name is Rachael." My voice was croaky and hoarse from lack of use.

"Hi Miss. Rachael. It's nice to meet you." Before I could say anything, I felt a hand rest on top of mine. "I don't know what happened to my mommy. We had been hiking, but I don't remember what happened next. I have a feeling I won't see her again."

My other hand went up to cover my mouth, attempting to catch the sob in my throat. Delany's voice spoke again.

"Don't cry, Miss. Rachael, we're still here. We have each other, and that's better than having nothing," she paused, "Maybe you can be my mommy."

I took another wheezing breath. "Yes baby girl, I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."

I sat there rocking the little girl in my arms while I sobbed, until I heard the thick metal doors creek open to reveal a giant, inhuman silhouette looming in the doorway.

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