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A poltergeist?!" Tony exclaimed. "I think you must be wrong, because there's not some ghost lurking around in my tower." Dean leaned back in his chair. "And what makes you so damn sure?" he asked, a smile etching itself onto his face. Tony stammered, trying to come up with a witty comment, but found nothing to say.

Sam pulled out his laptop and started typing. "What are you doing?" Fury asked. "Just some basic research on the tower and the land it's on," Sam answered. "What other things have happened?" he asked.

"Now that you bring it up, doors open and close on their own," the other Sam spoke. "Sometimes things fall without reason," Bruce supplied. "But I always brushed it off as someone accidentally bumping it without noticing." Sam nodded, typing more on the computer. After a few minutes of tense silence, he looked up.

"Looks like I found who our little ghost is," he said. "Well who is it?" Clint pressed, wanting to know.

"Some woman named Sarah McFarlan. Says here she was murdered over 30 years ago on this property," Sam said. "And get this, they never caught the guy who did it and it turned into a cold case. Sounds like she's starting to turn vengeful," he said looking up.

"Better be glad she hasn't tried to hurt anyone yet. Probably be best to do the routine salt and burn before any of that other shit happens," Dean said.

"What's a salt and burn?" Steve asked. "Pretty much the easiest hunt possible. You find the remains or the object tying them to earth, then burn it," Dean explained.

"But if they are dead, won't they be buried already?" Thor questioned. "That's the thing, you dig up the body, salt, and burn it," Sam said. Shocked expressions all around. Sam and Dean were used to this."Oh c'mon, it's no big deal, not like we're the ones who killed them," Dean said. After no one spoke, he said, "We're helping them move on for gods sake!"

Suddenly screams pierced through the air, followed by, "Dean, duck!" Dean shot down from his seat so that Sam could shoot the ugly hag with a salt round.

"Looks like we're starting sooner than expected. Listen to me if you want to live. Don't, under any circumstances, leave this room after we safeguard it."
"And how're you gonna do that?!" Tony asked.

"Well if you'd shut your damn mouth we'd've already done it," Dean snapped, grapping large containers of salt from his bag. He and Sam started lining the windows and doorways with salt. "Remember. Don't leave this room."

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