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Dean slammed the door of the impala shut as he silently made his way back to the tower. They got the surviving victim to a hospital, and killed the wendingo, so they did their part. The hunt had been successful. At least that's how they should've seen it, but seeing the child's corpse had just put into perspective everything that they do. People die. You try to save them, but sometimes you can't. All you can do is hope that you're not too late. Unfortunately, this time, they were.

The ride back had seemed longer somehow, the tense silence stretching between the four of them. Steve and Natasha seemed to realize just how serious all this was. Now that they knew what was at stake, they were willing to fight till the end. The reality of this seemed to hit them like a ton of bricks.

It just served to remind the Winchesters that, again, you can't save everyone.

They followed Dean into the tower, no one daring to say a word. They went directly to Fury's office like they were ordered.

"The son of a bitch is dead, and the vic's in the hospital. Mission accomplished," Dean said. He plopped down, not uttering another word. The tense silence stretched longer than anyone would feel comfortable with.
Steve cleared his throat, disrupting the quiet.

"Well, I think it's best that we go back to our quarters," Steve said. "Probably," Sam agreed, leading Dean away. No more words were spoken as Fury watched them leave.

Neither Sam or Dean sleep very well after a hunt didn't go as planned. Sure they rescued that woman, but they were too late for the child, and that just added fuel to the fire of guilt the two of them already felt. So they both went to their respective rooms across the hall to wash up and attempt to get some rest that never came, all the while thinking, sleep will come, sleep will come.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted this story in a few months, but I had kinda gotten lost in where it was going. Wish this chapter was longer, but oh well. Gotta start somewhere. Thank you to all the readers and voters!

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