Chapter Sixteen: Abducted:

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Meanwhile, Cassandra was beginning to come to. She started to moan as she  rubbed her right hand up and down across her face. When she opened her eyes, she didn’t recognize the room. ‘Where am I?’ She tried to sit up and look around. ‘What happened?’ 

All of her memories came back in a rush, and panic surged through her. She had been abducted. Her heart began to race. Cassandra tried to get up off of the bed again. After the fourth time, she was finally able to get up and out of bed. She shakily walked over to the window and looked out. 

She was happy to see that she was not high off the ground. She could climb down safely. Her hopes were immediately dashed when she tried to open the window only to find out that it would not budge. ‘Of course, it won’t open.’

She searched the window for the latch to unlock it only to have her hopes further dashed. In the right top corner was a keyhole. She would not be able to unlock the window without a key.

She tried looking through the room to see if there was anything that she could use to pick the lock. Unfortunately, all of the drawers were empty.

Panic began to rise in her again. She looked around the room desperate for a phone, but of course, there was none. Her hopes just kept getting crushed. The only thing that she could think of to do was try to escape out of the door. ‘Please let it be unlocked.’ 

She slowly and quietly walked over to the door. She held her breath while she slowly began to turn the handle. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest in excitement when she felt the door begin to open. ‘Thank goodness!’

She slowly released the handle, letting it close while she composed herself. This would be really risky, but she had to try. Putting her ear to the door, she held her breath and listened for any sound. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. 

Her instincts told her that it was almost too quiet, so she decided to wait a bit with her ear pressed to the door. After what seemed like an eternity, she decided to try the doorknob. Trying to make as little noise as possible, she slowly turned the door knob. She still could not believe that it was unlocked. 

‘More likely than not, this is a trap, but I have to try. I can’t just sit here and do nothing. I will just have to be extra careful.’ Slowly and carefully, she started to open the door a little bit at a time. 

Cassandra used the small opening to try and look out into the hallway. Since she still could not see anything, so she was forced to open the door and look out into the hallway. 

She looked up and down the long hallway and spotted two sets of stairs at the end of the hall. One was leading upstairs, and the other was going downstairs.

There was not a soul in sight. Still feeling uneasy but knowing that she needed to get out of there, she decided to take the stairs down to what had to be the first floor. 

As quietly as she could, she took off down the hallway, pausing at the top of the stairs. Keeping her ears peeled, she began to head down the stairs as quietly and as quickly as possible. 

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, what she assumed was the front door came into view. She was relieved and concerned about how easy this seemed, yet she continued since she had no other option. 

When Cassandra reached for the doorknob, she took a deep breath in. ‘Why couldn’t there be a window on the side of the door to look out of or at least a peephole?’ 

Her heart was practically beating out of her chest with how terrified she was as she turned the doorknob. Again, she opened the door as quietly as possible and looked through the small opening before opening it up a little bit more. 

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