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A little while later, Momma and I were still talking about everything that had been happening in the past three months.  And while we were, I was sitting in front of her as she sat on the couch and I was leaning back against her legs as she brushed through my hair.  When I was little, she used to do it all the time before I’d gone to bed. 

It wasn’t until I started to hear voices coming from outside the door and in the hallway that I realized that our alone time was about to go away. 

Momma sighed and bent down to kiss the top of my head.  “Well, this should be fun.  I don’t know how I should explain this entire situation to them.”

Lee and Molly’s voices were right behind the door then. 

“Can we not explain any of it then?” I asked, turning around to face her.  “You want to go back home with me, right?  Why can’t we just have Mnemosyne give them back their memories and then you won’t have to explain anything to them?”

Momma stared at me with a curious expression on her face, one that said that she knew when something was up with me. 

There was something that was making me a little nervous.

And it only had three letters.

“Are you ashamed of your mother?  Thinking that she’ll embarrass you in front of the guy you like?  You do realize that I’ve known the guy for far longer than you have.”

I swallowed hard.  “I didn’t mean…I…”

Momma smiled and touched her finger to my nose.  “And I know you better than you know yourself, too.  I gave birth to you after all.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that, thinking again that if someone were to hear my parents say something about them actually being my parents, they would have found it hard to believe since I only looked a few years younger than Daddy and only a year or so than Momma. 

I moved forward from my place on the floor in front of the couch so she could stand up.  The door opened when she did and Lee’s voice was the first one I heard. 

“…three months and you still can’t figure out how to open the door?  Come on, Molly, seriously?”

“Shut up, Lee!  It’s complicated.  And we’re supposed to be worrying about Persie.  She’s…”

“Hey, guys,” Mom said. 

“She’s right here,” Molly went on, sounding a little surprised.  “What the heck, Pers?  You just bail on us?  What…?”

Momma just laughed, holding up her hands.  “I’m sorry!  Something came up and I had to help…a friend…with something.”

The two of them were quiet for a moment before I heard Molly start to laugh.  “Please tell me that you found some hot Italian guy to bring back here!  And that you’ll share him with me, of course!”

She laughed again, shaking her head.  “Okay, Molly, that was seriously…ew.”

“I second that,” Lee gagged. 

“Really, though.  I had to help someone out,” she said before looking down at me.

Not really knowing how she was going to explain why I was there, I stood up hesitantly, peeking over the back of the couch at Molly and Lee before I stood completely.  Momma smiled over at me and wrapped her arm around my waist. 

“Zoe?” Lee asked, looking completely shocked that I was standing there in their hotel room.  “What are you doing here?”

I looked over at Momma, not really knowing what our excuse was going to be.  “I…”

She cut in, obviously coming up with a better answer than I probably would have.  “I told her that she could stay with us for a few days.  At the club…something happened outside with a guy that she knew and he was about to rough her up.  After I got security involved, we came back here.”

“Zoe?” Lee asked again. 

I just shrugged, going along with her story.  “I’m sorry.  But if you don’t want me here…”

He shook his head as he walked over toward us.  It made me uncomfortable as he looked at me with upset eyes, especially since what Momma had said wasn’t really true…in a sense, that is.  “No, you stay with us for as long as you need to,” he said, looking down at me.  “It doesn’t matter how long you need to.”

“Hey, Molly?” Momma said.  “Let’s go see if we can find something of one of ours for Zoe to wear to bed.”

By the grin on Molly’s face, she caught on way too quickly.  “Oh, okay!  And we need to find those extra sheets so we can make a place for her on the couch.”

“We’ll be back in a little while.  It might take us some time to get everything together, so just talk amongst yourselves,” Momma said, practically pushing Molly toward their room.

“Are you really okay?” Lee asked.  “Did he hurt you or anything?”

I was pretty sure the bruise on my arm had already healed itself, so I shook my head.  “She blew it way out of proportion,” I said, shrugging.  “But something would have happened if she hadn’t stepped in.”

“You should have told me something was up,” he scolded. 

I raised an eyebrow.  “But you barely know me.”

“I…”  Lee opened his mouth to say something, but it took him a moment to get it out.  “That might be the case, but I…I feel like I’ve known you for a while…just that I don’t know how.”

“Oh, yeah?  And do you plan on making it so that you really know me, not just feel like you do?”

Because I was wanting him to say that he wanted to. 

He smiled, which would have been more than a good answer for me.  “Yeah.”

***Goodness, it's been a while since I uploaded.  I'm so sorry!  And it was an awful, short chapter, which makes it ten times worse...

It's pretty much going to be a weekly upload with this story, though.  I need to get myself back into writing it, but I just don't know what it is that's making me not want to.  And the lengths on them...gosh, it's getting to me.  I wish I could get myself to write longer chapters!  It really doesn't help that I write them when it's after midnight and I'm extremely tired either...

Anywho...Comment and Vote!!!!1***

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