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She couldn’t help but smile when she heard the two of them talking on the other side of the wall from the room she was in.  Her best friend had survived…and was now immortal.  Sure, her father didn’t really like the fact that he was going to be around for a lot longer, but her other best friend didn’t mind at all.  She wouldn’t let that fact get to him, though.  It was their daughter’s happiness that both of them would have been worried about if it hadn’t happened. 

Sure, it was selfish, but she couldn’t help but notice that everyone was pairing off.  But her?  She didn’t know if there was anyone out there for her…

Well, at least, one that the Fates had made especially for her. 

But then again, why was she having those strange dreams, the ones where he was in them?  Was that something to wonder more about?

There was a knock on her door and she glanced up to see the one she’d just been thinking about stick his head inside her room.  She couldn’t help it when the butterflies started pounding against her stomach. 

“Everyone’s wondering where you are,” he said with a smile as he walked in.  “Why don’t you come down and eat?”

She just shrugged.  “I’m just thinking about everything.  You know, what you told me about.”

“It’s kind of crazy that she’s gone, isn’t it?  It seems like they’ve been trying to get away from her for forever, even when they didn’t know it was her, and now they can finally just be…themselves.  Not have to worry about anything happening.”

She smiled, looking down at her hands, which she twined together in her lap.  “Yeah, and they’ve all got each other.”

He obviously didn’t think about what she actually meant.  “Their entire family tends to stick together, even if they’re in huge fights…”  Realization dawned on him then.  “Oh, you mean that.”

She laughed slightly, looking back up at him with a calm look on her face.  “Do you ever think if maybe you’re one of those lucky ones who have one person you’re fated to be with for eternity?”

He watched her for a moment before stepping closer to where she sat, sitting down beside her.  “I do, actually.  But there’s one thing that no one else but me knows.”

“And that would be…?”

He just looked at her still, his eyes locked with hers.  “I know for a fact…that I do.” 

***Well, guys...It's finished!  Thanks for sticking with me for this long.  It definitely didn't turn out the way I was wanting it to, but maybe one day I'll come around to rewriting it totally, though I doubt that will be any time soon

As for a third story...maybe.  I wanted to do one from Molly's POV, but I really don't know what I could do with it.  There's no way that I'll be starting it any time in the near future, so I don't know any dates as to when - or if, really - I'll be writing it. 

But again, thanks for sticking around to read! 

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