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It had been a few days of being back at home with everyone there and two of them remembering everything from before.  Molly was revealing in everything, mostly because the only other time she’d been here, she lost memory of everything.  She and Momma were almost always outside, either talking, playing around with Anthea, or Momma was showing her just what she could do with that dagger of hers. 

Lee, on the other hand, was the quiet one.  He was with the two of them most of the time, just watching.  Though we hadn’t really talked since he’d gotten his memories back, he wasn’t necessarily avoiding me either.  He just…didn’t say anything.  To anyone really. 

Momma, Molly, Lee, and I were the only ones at the house.  Daddy, Hector, and Ari had been called to Olympus to meet with the Council.  They’d wanted a full report on what had happened with Momma in Rome.  Momma was supposed to go with them, but she’d had other plans.

“I’m going back home,” she’d told Daddy when he’d told her about the meeting. 

“What do you mean, you’re going back home?  You are home,” he said.  His eyes were wide with panic as he looked at her. 

She just smiled and leaned up to kiss him.  “I didn’t mean it that way.  I talked with my foster parents, Tom and Wendy, and I told them that I was coming to visit for a day.  I’m only doing that.  They think we’re going to be right back on a plane to Rome that night.  Molly and Lee are coming with me also, so we can go see their parents, too.”

Daddy was more comforted by the fact that she wasn’t leaving, or even going alone.  “But you do know that they’ll more than likely want you to come at some point, right?  Give more information that I don’t have.”

She nodded, smiling.  “I know.”

So that was how I found myself driving my Mercedes behind Momma, who was in Daddy’s Bentley.  Molly and Lee were with her, though she was about to drop Molly off at her house before heading to hers.  Lee wanted to stay with her instead of doing the same.  I didn’t know why, though.  Had his love for her come back, even if she was married to Daddy and had me?

But when I pulled up behind her in the driveway of her house, Lee got out with her just as I put the car in park and turned off the ignition.  The next thing I knew, my door was opening and I looked up to see Lee holding it open for me.

“Um, thank you,” I said, getting out with my keys in hand.  “You didn’t have to do that.”

A slight smile appeared on his lips as he closed the door.  “I know.  I just wanted to.”

When we turned to head for the front door, Momma was already there, opening the door before we heard a woman squealing and a little boy’s giggle. 

I’d met Tom and Wendy, Momma’s foster parents, and her son, Sammy, before she’d gone into hiding. They would have hopefully remembered me, even if it was months ago. 

“Oh, Persie, it’s so good to see you again!” Wendy gushed, hugging Momma as she held her son on her hip.  “Phone calls don’t do it justice.”

Momma laughed, hugging her back.  “I know.  I missed you guys, too,” she said, pulling back.  Her eyes went to Sammy and held out her arms for him.  “You’ve gotten so big!”

“Miss you, sissy!” he giggled as she pulled him into her arms, hugging him. 

Lee and I stopped behind them when Wendy’s eyes landed on us.  She started gushing over Lee, pulling him into her arms just like she did with Momma and fusing over him.  Lee just smiled and rolled his eyes as she did.  I could tell he was thinking that this was going to be the first of two times that it was going to happen today. 

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