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Once my makeshift bed on the couch was made and my head hit the pillow, I was out light a light until the next morning when I was woken up by a whispered conversation. It took me a moment before I realized where I was, but when I did, I slowly opened my eyes and didn't make a move as I listened in.

"...her. Come on, Lee, admit it," Molly was saying, giggling softly as she did.

"I just me her a few days ago and probably haven't talked to her for an hour total," Lee said sharply, defensive. "Don't put things in your head that..."

"Are totally true!" That was Momma. "Lee, seriously. It's kind of obvious."

"Yeah, you've never looked at either of us like that, so we know. Oh, do we know," Molly giggled.

"Shut up," Lee grumbled, and I heard him start walking toward my direction while Momma and Molly laughed again.

When Lee appeared above me as he stood next to the couch, his eyes widened a little when he saw that I was awake, but he quickly composed himself.

"Hey, you're up finally," he smiled.

I nodded, faking a yawn to hopefully make him think that I'd just woke up. "Yeah, sorry if I slept later than I should have."

Lee shook his head. "No, you're fine. We were just...talking..."

I heard Molly snort from somewhere behind him as I sat up. "We were just talking," she said, walking around him so she could sit on the table in front of the couch.

Momma had walked up with her and stood beside Lee, grinning down at me. Unlike the times that I'd seen her before, the smile wasn't fake. I think Molly and Lee noticed it, too, because they kept glancing over at her with curious looks on their faces, wondering why she was looking the way she was.

"How do you and Persie do it?" Molly asked.

My eyes snapped to her as my mind reeled at what she'd asked. Did she know something, something about who Momma and I really were? How could she?

"Do what?" I asked hesitantly, my eyes flicking to Momma before back to Molly.

She pointed to my head. "After sleeping for hours, you wake up looking like you just came out of a photo shoot with your hair and makeup still perfect. But the thing is, neither of you wear makeup! I just don't get it and it's so not fair, that's for sure."

Momma started laughing as she poked Molly's shoulder. "Molly, you know that's not true all of the time."

"Whatever, Pers. I know it is because I've slept over at your house. I know your morning routine when you get ready. I've been living in the same room as you for the past three months!"

All Momma did was laugh.

"So we're going to head out for breakfast here in a little while, once you get ready, that is," Lee started, rolling his eyes at the two of them. "Take however long you need to get ready. We don't mind waiting."

I shook my head. "I need about five minutes and I'll be back here," I said, standing up before I looked around for my bag. It had everything I needed inside.

"You even get ready like Persie does," Molly called as I walked toward her and Momma's room so I could go into their bathroom. "Are you two sure you're not related?"

I didn't start laughing until I closed the door to the bathroom and placed my bag on the countertop. Momma didn't know just when she was going to start explaining everything to the two of them or if she just wanted to wait until we were back home and let Mnemosyne do it. I liked the latter, mostly because it would be awkward telling them that she was my mother. They'd probably think we were crazy...

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