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Persephone was advancing toward me and I couldn’t move.  Menoetius was grinning as he made his way toward Lee, who was lying motionless on the ground.  What had they done to him?  Persephone had said ‘paralyzed.’  He wasn’t, though, was he?  No, he couldn’t be. 

“What…what did you do to him?”

“What do you mean?  You don’t see that he’s not moving?  That he’s not even breathing?  There’s a reason for that darling.  You see, for a mortal to be alive…”

“No,” I choked out, shaking my head.  “You can’t…why did you…I thought you were my friend?”

Her laugh was chilling.  “You did?  Well, I’m a better actress than I thought I was then.  You see, I couldn’t stand being around you, almost as much as being around your mother for all those years.  You look too much like her.  Her and your father.  And I know they love you both, so that’s reason enough.”


She smiled again, stepping closer to me.  “Remember, third time’s the charm.  Hurt you, hurt them.1”

Persephone lunged then, tackling me to the ground.  She was on top of me then, wielding a dagger she pulled from basically thin air, which she had gripped in both hands and was holding it above me.  Her legs were pinning my arms down to my sides, though I was trying to kick my legs, anything to get her to at least budge.  But it wasn’t having any effect on her. 

“This will be the last of the precious daughter of Hades,” she laughed.  “You’ve got to love it when you’ve got friends in low places.  They’ve got the ways of ending mortal or immortal lives…which just happens to be on this dagger.  And with one stab, it’ll be inside.  And that will be the end.”

“Don’t touch her!”

Lee’s voice…with my heart pounding, I looked up to see Lee hobbling toward us, fury that rivaled Daddy’s clear in his eyes. 

“Oh, look who’s up and walking,” Persephone chuckled, dropping her arms to her sides and holding the dagger in front of her.  It gleamed in the moonlight over my face.  She looked down at me before back at Lee.  “But really…who said that I was going to use this on her?”

Without being able to do anything, she reared her arm back, the one holding the dagger, and threw it. 

But something happened right when the dagger left her fingers.

There was the sound of thunder, the flash of lightning, and then the sound of a huge group charging toward us.  Persephone seemed startled, looking back over her shoulder before jumping up off of me and started running.  I was up the next moment and my eyes were only searching for one person among the dozen that had suddenly appeared.

But as they rushed by me, my eyes were only on Lee…and the dagger that he just pulled from his chest. 

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