Sermon 61: When God Speaks Through the Unexpected

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Key Text: Numbers 22:28 (KJV)

"And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?"

Have you ever felt like you were going down the wrong path, but couldn't see it? Maybe you were so focused on your own desires that you missed the warning signs God was placing in your way. Today, we're going to explore a fascinating story from the book of Numbers that shows us how God can use the most unexpected methods to get our attention and guide us back to His will.

Let's set the scene. The Israelites, God's chosen people, were on their journey to the Promised Land. As they traveled, they encountered various nations and peoples along the way. One of these was the nation of Moab, whose king, Balak, was terrified of the Israelites. He had heard about their victories over other nations and feared they would conquer his land too.

In his desperation, Balak decided to seek help from a man named Balaam. Now, Balaam was known as a prophet, someone who could bless or curse people with powerful words. Balak thought, "If I can get Balaam to curse the Israelites, maybe we can defeat them!"

So, Balak sent messengers to Balaam, offering him riches and honor if he would come and curse the Israelites. At first, Balaam sought God's guidance, and God told him not to go. But when Balak sent more important princes with even greater promises, Balaam's resolve weakened. He asked God again, and this time, God allowed him to go but warned him to only speak what God commanded.

This is where our story in Numbers 22:21-35 begins. Balaam, driven by the promise of wealth and recognition, saddled his donkey and set out on the journey to meet Balak. But God was not pleased with Balaam's motives. He knew that deep down, Balaam was hoping to find a way to curse the Israelites and gain the reward.

As Balaam rode along, something extraordinary happened. An angel of the Lord stood in the road to oppose him. Now, here's the interesting part – Balaam couldn't see the angel, but his donkey could! The Bible tells us that the donkey saw the angel standing in the road with a drawn sword and turned off into a field.

Imagine that for a moment. This donkey, an animal we often think of as stubborn or not very smart, was more spiritually perceptive than Balaam, a supposed prophet of God! It reminds us that sometimes, those we least expect can be the ones most in tune with God's will.

Balaam, unaware of the danger, became angry with the donkey and beat her to get back on the road. This happened two more times – the angel blocked the way, the donkey tried to avoid it, and Balaam, blind to the spiritual reality around him, lashed out in frustration.

Finally, after the third time, something truly miraculous occurred. The Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she spoke to Balaam! Can you imagine the shock Balaam must have felt when his donkey turned to him and said, "What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?"

This moment is crucial. God used the most unexpected messenger – a donkey – to get Balaam's attention. It's a powerful reminder that God can use anyone or anything to speak to us if we're willing to listen.

Balaam, in his anger and confusion, actually engaged in a conversation with the donkey. He complained about her behavior, even saying he wished he had a sword to kill her. But the donkey calmly pointed out her faithfulness over the years, asking if she had ever behaved this way before.

It was at this moment that God opened Balaam's eyes, and he finally saw the angel standing in the road with a drawn sword. Balaam fell facedown, finally realizing the gravity of the situation.

The angel explained that the donkey had saved Balaam's life by turning away. If she hadn't, the angel would have killed Balaam and spared the donkey. This revelation must have been both terrifying and humbling for Balaam.

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