Chapter 7: Trouble in the Air

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It had been a few months since Engfa and Charlotte had officially become a couple. Their relationship had grown stronger with each passing day, a blend of deep affection, shared dreams, and the comfort that came with being each other's person. But even the most solid relationships are not immune to turbulence, and lately, something unspoken had been brewing between them.

Charlotte had noticed the shift first. Engfa had hired a new secretary, Mai, just a few weeks ago, and almost immediately, Charlotte's instincts had been on high alert. At first, it was the subtle things-Mai's overly friendly tone when she answered the phone, her tendency to linger when delivering documents to Engfa, or the way she touched Engfa's arm just a little too often. Nothing concrete, but enough to make Charlotte feel uncomfortable.

But she hadn't mentioned it to Engfa. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe she was overreacting. After all, Engfa loved her-she knew that. Still, the sight of Mai's playful smiles and the way she seemed to always find excuses to be near Engfa gnawed at Charlotte's confidence.

It didn't help that Engfa's work had become more demanding. Between meetings, business trips, and her growing responsibilities as CEO, Engfa was busier than ever. They saw less of each other, and when they did, Engfa was often exhausted, leaving little room for the deep conversations they used to have.

The distance between them felt like it was growing, but Charlotte couldn't bring herself to voice her concerns. Not yet, anyway.


One Friday evening, Charlotte was finishing her shift at the café when she received a text from Olive.

**Olive**: Hey, I'm at this event downtown, and I think I just saw Engfa with someone... Is that her secretary? They seem pretty close.

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat as she stared at the message, a sense of dread creeping into her chest. She knew Olive wouldn't have mentioned it if it didn't seem strange. Her mind raced with thoughts she tried to push away, but the jealousy that had been simmering for weeks now threatened to spill over.

**Charlotte**: Where are you? I'm coming.

Olive sent her the location, and Charlotte rushed out of the café, her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't know what she'd find, but she needed to see for herself.


When Charlotte arrived at the event, she spotted Engfa almost immediately. She was standing near the entrance, chatting with Mai, who was laughing at something Engfa had said, leaning in far too close for Charlotte's liking.

Charlotte's stomach twisted as she watched the interaction from a distance. She had never seen Engfa flirt back-she knew Engfa wouldn't do that-but Mai's behavior was unmistakably flirty, and Engfa seemed oblivious to it.

Charlotte felt a rush of emotions she couldn't quite name-jealousy, frustration, fear. She knew she needed to talk to Engfa about this, but now wasn't the time. She didn't want to cause a scene in public, especially with Mai right there. So instead, she turned on her heel and walked away, her heart heavy and her mind racing.


That night, when Engfa came home, she found Charlotte sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the TV. Engfa could tell something was off immediately. The warmth that usually filled the room when they were together was missing, replaced by a tension that made the air feel thick.

"Hey," Engfa said softly, dropping her bag by the door and moving to sit beside Charlotte. "You okay?"

Charlotte forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

Engfa frowned, her instincts telling her something was wrong. "You sure? You seem... distant."

Charlotte hesitated, her mind racing with everything she wanted to say but didn't know how. She wanted to tell Engfa about the jealousy that had been eating away at her, about Mai, about how she felt like she was losing Engfa to the demands of her work. But the words wouldn't come.

"I'm fine," Charlotte repeated, more firmly this time, though she could feel the lie in her own voice. "Just a long day at the café."

Engfa didn't push, but she didn't believe Charlotte either. She reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. "If something's bothering you, you can tell me, you know."

Charlotte glanced at Engfa, her heart aching with love and frustration. She knew she should be honest, but part of her didn't want to come across as insecure or jealous. She didn't want to be the kind of girlfriend who made accusations without proof.

"I know," Charlotte whispered, squeezing Engfa's hand back. "I'll be okay."

But as the night wore on, the unspoken tension lingered between them, thick and heavy. They lay in bed side by side, but it felt like they were miles apart. And though they held each other as they drifted off to sleep, neither of them felt the peace they once shared.


The following week only made things worse. Mai seemed to be everywhere, always at Engfa's side, always finding some excuse to spend more time with her. And Engfa, wrapped up in her work, didn't notice the way Charlotte's mood had shifted, the way she had started pulling away.

One evening, as they sat at dinner, the tension finally boiled over.

"Engfa," Charlotte began, her voice tight. "Can I ask you something?"

Engfa looked up from her plate, her brows furrowing at the serious tone in Charlotte's voice. "Of course."

Charlotte hesitated for a moment, then finally asked, "Do you... do you think Mai flirts with you?"

Engfa blinked, surprised by the question. "Mai? No, she's just friendly. Why do you ask?"

Charlotte looked down at her hands, struggling to keep her voice steady. "I've noticed the way she acts around you. She's... close. Too close."

Engfa frowned, clearly confused. "She's just doing her job, Char. There's nothing going on between us."

"I didn't say there was," Charlotte said quickly, though the knot in her stomach tightened. "But she flirts with you. And it bothers me."

Engfa sat back in her chair, trying to understand where this was coming from. "You're jealous?"

Charlotte's heart sank at the word, the one she had been trying to avoid this whole time. "I don't want to be, but... yes. I am."

There was a brief silence between them, and Charlotte could see the surprise in Engfa's eyes. She hadn't expected this, and Charlotte could tell that Engfa didn't fully understand how much this had been affecting her.

"I'm sorry," Engfa said softly, reaching across the table to take Charlotte's hand. "I didn't know you felt this way. But you don't have to worry, okay? I love you. Mai's just my secretary."

"I know you love me," Charlotte whispered, her voice tight with emotion. "But it's hard watching someone else act like they want you, and... you don't even see it."

Engfa squeezed her hand, her expression serious. "I'll talk to her, okay? If she's making you uncomfortable, I'll make sure she understands that it's not appropriate. You're the only one I want, Charlotte. Always."

Charlotte nodded, her chest tight with a mix of relief and lingering doubt. She wanted to believe Engfa, and part of her did. But the jealousy and fear had already taken root, and she knew it would take more than just words to shake them.

As they sat together, holding hands across the table, Charlotte wondered if this was the first real test of their relationship-the first crack in the foundation they had built together. And she could only hope that love would be enough to heal it.


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