Chapter 8: Cracks in the Glass

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The conversation at dinner left both Engfa and Charlotte unsettled, but they tried to move past it in the days that followed. Engfa had promised to talk to Mai, and Charlotte wanted to trust that things would get better. But despite their efforts to move on, the tension between them lingered.

It started small—Charlotte would hesitate when Engfa reached for her hand, her smile a little less bright when they were together. Engfa, meanwhile, was drowning in work, her mind consumed by meetings, projects, and the weight of her upcoming role as CEO. She was distracted, and though she noticed Charlotte’s change in demeanor, she didn’t know how to fix it.

One evening, after another long day at the office, Engfa sat down with Mai in her office.

“Mai, can we talk for a minute?” Engfa asked, her tone serious but gentle.

Mai glanced up from her laptop, flashing Engfa her usual easy smile. “Of course, Miss Waraha. What’s on your mind?”

Engfa cleared her throat, feeling a little awkward but determined to address the situation. “I’ve noticed you’re… very friendly with me. And while I appreciate your dedication to your job, I think we need to maintain a more professional distance.”

Mai raised an eyebrow, her smile faltering for the first time. “Is this about Charlotte?”

Engfa blinked, caught off guard. “What do you mean?”

Mai leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. “It’s no secret she doesn’t like me. I’ve noticed the way she looks at me whenever she’s around. I didn’t think you cared about that sort of thing.”

Engfa felt a wave of discomfort wash over her. “Charlotte and I are in a serious relationship. Of course I care about her feelings.”

Mai’s expression turned coy, a slight smirk playing on her lips. “You know, I’ve always admired how dedicated you are to your work. You don’t let anything distract you… not even a jealous girlfriend.”

Engfa stiffened, her patience wearing thin. “Mai, this isn’t a joke. Charlotte is important to me, and I need you to respect that. If she feels uncomfortable, then something needs to change.”

Mai shrugged, the smirk still lingering. “If that’s what you want, Miss Waraha. But I can’t help it if people misinterpret my friendliness.”

Engfa sighed, standing up from her desk. “Just… keep things professional, okay?”

Mai nodded, though her expression didn’t exactly inspire confidence. Engfa walked out of the office, feeling unsettled. She hoped the conversation would make a difference, but something about Mai’s attitude didn’t sit right with her.


That weekend, Engfa and Charlotte had plans to spend the evening together—something they hadn’t done in a while. Charlotte had been looking forward to it, hoping it would help them reconnect after the rough patch they’d been through.

But the evening didn’t go as planned.

Engfa was late getting home, her phone buzzing with work notifications as soon as she stepped through the door. Charlotte was waiting in the living room, trying to keep her frustration in check as Engfa walked in, looking exhausted and distracted.

“Sorry I’m late,” Engfa said, dropping her bag by the door. “Work’s been crazy today.”

Charlotte nodded, though her disappointment was hard to hide. “It’s okay. I made dinner.”

Engfa smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “That sounds amazing. Let me just finish this email really quick, and I’ll join you.”

Charlotte’s heart sank as she watched Engfa pull out her phone, her fingers flying across the screen. She tried to tell herself it wasn’t a big deal, that Engfa had a lot on her plate, but it felt like a familiar pattern. Engfa’s work was always the priority, and Charlotte was left waiting, again.

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