Chapter 6: A Busy Weekday

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The sun had barely risen, but Engfa was already awake, her phone buzzing incessantly with notifications from work. She groaned softly, rolling over in bed and glancing at the time. 6:30 AM. Far too early for a Monday morning, especially after the lovely, peaceful weekend she had just spent with Charlotte.

Engfa sighed as she checked her messages—meetings with board members, urgent emails from the marketing team, and a dozen more things that needed her attention. Being the soon-to-be CEO of her family’s business came with its challenges, and this Monday was shaping up to be one of the busiest yet.

Beside her, Charlotte stirred, still half-asleep. She reached out instinctively, her arm wrapping around Engfa’s waist.

“Morning already?” Charlotte mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.

Engfa smiled despite the growing stress gnawing at her. “Yeah. Too early, if you ask me.”

Charlotte nuzzled closer, her warmth a comforting contrast to the cool morning air. “You have a lot on your plate today?”

“Way too much,” Engfa admitted, setting her phone down for a moment to run her fingers through Charlotte’s hair. “Meetings all day, plus prepping for this new project we’re launching. It’s going to be a long one.”

Charlotte hummed softly, her eyes still closed. “I wish I could stay in bed with you all day.”

Engfa chuckled, the sound low and affectionate. “I wish that too, but the world doesn’t stop for CEOs or café managers, I guess.”

“Unfortunately,” Charlotte sighed. She slowly sat up, stretching before glancing at the clock. “I have the morning shift at the café, so I should probably get ready.”

Engfa watched as Charlotte got out of bed, moving around the room with a quiet grace that always left her mesmerized. Even in the rush of a busy morning, Charlotte had a calming presence, something that steadied Engfa in the midst of the chaos her workday would inevitably bring.

After a quick shower, they both moved through their usual routines, preparing for their respective days. Engfa was in her office clothes, hair tied back into a neat ponytail, looking every bit the part of a soon-to-be CEO, while Charlotte slipped into her café uniform, simple but stylish, her hair tied back loosely.

Before they left, Engfa pulled Charlotte in for a quick kiss by the door. “Good luck at the café today,” she murmured.

“You too,” Charlotte replied, giving her a warm smile. “Don’t work too hard, okay?”

Engfa grinned, though she knew her day would be anything but easy. “I’ll try.”


By mid-morning, Engfa was in the thick of it. Her office was buzzing with activity—assistants coming and going, phone calls, emails, and back-to-back meetings. She barely had time to catch her breath, let alone think about anything other than the long list of tasks she needed to accomplish.

But every now and then, between reviewing financial reports and answering urgent emails, her thoughts would drift to Charlotte. She wondered how Charlotte was doing at the café, how her shift was going. In the middle of the frenzy, Charlotte was like a calm center, a grounding force that Engfa knew she could always rely on.

Just before lunch, Engfa’s phone buzzed with a text. She glanced down, smiling when she saw it was from Charlotte.

**Charlotte**: Hope your day’s going okay! Don’t forget to eat something. :)

Engfa chuckled, a warmth spreading through her as she quickly typed a reply.

**Engfa**: It’s busy, but better now that I got your message. I won’t forget, promise!


Meanwhile, at Café Lumière, Charlotte was busy with the morning rush. Customers were lined up for their coffee orders, and the café was filled with the usual hum of chatter, clinking mugs, and the hiss of the espresso machine.

Despite the fast-paced environment, Charlotte enjoyed her work. She loved interacting with the regulars, making their favorite drinks, and ensuring the café ran smoothly. But even here, amidst the hustle, her mind wandered to Engfa. She knew how stressful running a business could be, and she hoped Engfa wasn’t pushing herself too hard.

By noon, the café had quieted down a bit, and Charlotte finally had a chance to take a break. She sat down at a corner table, sipping her coffee and scrolling through her phone. Engfa’s reply made her smile, and she found herself feeling grateful for the little moments they shared, even in the middle of a busy weekday.

It wasn’t until later in the afternoon that Charlotte’s shift finally ended. Tired but content, she texted Engfa to see how her day was going.

**Charlotte**: Just finished at the café! How’s the CEO life treating you? Need rescuing? ;)

Engfa’s reply came quickly.

**Engfa**: I could definitely use rescuing. Meetings are never-ending! But I’ll be done soon. Maybe we can meet for dinner?

**Charlotte**: Sounds perfect. I’ll meet you at the restaurant we like near your office?

**Engfa**: It’s a date. See you soon, love. <3


After a long day of meetings and business discussions, Engfa was more than ready for the evening. She checked the time—almost 6 PM—and quickly wrapped up the last of her emails before grabbing her bag and heading out the door. The thought of seeing Charlotte was the only thing keeping her going after such an exhausting day.

When she arrived at the restaurant, Charlotte was already there, seated at a small table near the window. She looked up as Engfa walked in, her face lighting up with a smile that made all the stress of the day melt away in an instant.

“You made it,” Charlotte said, standing up to give her a hug.

“Barely,” Engfa laughed, holding Charlotte close for a moment before pulling away and sitting down. “But seeing you makes it all worth it.”

They ordered their food, falling into easy conversation as the evening unfolded. Charlotte shared stories from the café—funny customers, new menu ideas—while Engfa vented about the endless meetings and decisions she’d had to make. But despite the hectic nature of their day, being together felt like a much-needed breath of fresh air.

“Do you ever think about how crazy our lives have become?” Engfa mused as they finished their meal, sipping the last of her wine. “I mean, four years ago, we couldn’t even stand each other. And now… look at us.”

Charlotte smiled, reaching across the table to take Engfa’s hand. “It’s a little crazy, yeah. But it’s a good kind of crazy.”

Engfa squeezed her hand, her eyes soft with affection. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

Charlotte tilted her head, her smile widening. “You didn’t. We both worked for this. We made it happen.”

Engfa nodded, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for the woman sitting across from her. No matter how busy their lives got, no matter how overwhelming the world around them felt, she knew they could always find their way back to each other.

As the evening came to a close, they walked out of the restaurant hand in hand, the cool night air wrapping around them like a gentle reminder that amidst the chaos of their busy lives, they had each other.

And that, to Engfa, was all that mattered.


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