Chapter 14: The Waraha's Daughter-in-law

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Engfa stood by the large bay window of the Waraha family mansion, gazing out at the meticulously manicured gardens. The sun was shining bright, and the sky was a cloudless blue, but the beautiful weather did nothing to calm the nervous flutter in her chest. Today was the day she would officially introduce Charlotte as her fiancée to the rest of her family.

It wasn’t just a family gathering—it was the *Waraha* family gathering. Her aunts, uncles, and cousins—each with their own opinions and expectations—would be there, and Engfa knew all eyes would be on Charlotte. Engfa herself had always been under their watchful gaze, being groomed as the next CEO of the family business. Now, introducing her fiancée meant introducing Charlotte as part of that future.

Turning away from the window, she glanced at Charlotte, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, nervously adjusting the hem of her dress. Charlotte was stunning in a soft lavender gown that hugged her figure elegantly, yet she looked tense.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Engfa asked, walking over and taking Charlotte’s hand.

Charlotte offered a small, somewhat strained smile. “I am. I just… I want them to like me. I know they’re important to you.”

Engfa knelt in front of her, cupping her face gently. “They’ll love you, I promise. And even if they don’t… it doesn’t matter. *You* are important to me, and that’s what counts.”

Charlotte’s smile softened, and she leaned forward to press a soft kiss to Engfa’s lips. “I’m ready. As long as we’re together, I’ll be fine.”


The afternoon sun bathed the Waraha estate as they stepped out into the expansive garden where the gathering was being held. The air was filled with the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers, and a long banquet table was set up under a canopy of trees. Several family members were already mingling, sipping on wine and exchanging light conversation.

As Engfa and Charlotte approached, heads turned. Whispers fluttered through the crowd, and Engfa could feel the weight of their curiosity. She spotted her mother and father nearby, both smiling warmly at them, but it was the rest of the family that she was most concerned about.

Her Aunt Jira was the first to approach them, a sharp-eyed woman in her early sixties who had always been a little too inquisitive for Engfa’s liking. Her eyes swept over Charlotte before landing back on Engfa.

“Engfa, darling,” Aunt Jira greeted, her voice smooth but calculating. “I’ve heard so much about your fiancée. Charlotte, is it?”

Charlotte smiled graciously, offering a slight bow as a sign of respect. “Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Aunt Jira.”

Aunt Jira raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by Charlotte’s poise and respectful demeanor. “Well, I must say, you’re even lovelier in person.”

“Thank you,” Charlotte replied politely.

The next few minutes were filled with similar introductions—Engfa’s uncles, cousins, and distant relatives all curious about Charlotte. Some were polite, some more critical, but Charlotte handled them all with grace. Engfa watched proudly as her fiancée charmed the crowd with her quiet strength and intelligence.

But the moment Engfa had been most anxious about finally arrived when her grandfather, the patriarch of the Waraha family, approached. He was a stern, traditional man who had always held a great deal of influence over the family. His opinion mattered more than anyone else’s.

He looked at Charlotte with a measured gaze before turning to Engfa. “This is the young woman you’ve chosen?”

Engfa met his eyes with confidence, squeezing Charlotte’s hand for reassurance. “Yes, Grandfather. Charlotte is the woman I love and the one I’ve chosen to spend my life with.”

There was a long, tense silence as he studied them both. Engfa could feel Charlotte’s hand tremble slightly in hers, but she stood tall, her love and commitment unwavering.

Finally, her grandfather nodded slowly. “I see. Love is important. But so is strength, and from what I’ve heard, Charlotte possesses both. As long as you two support each other, you’ll do well.”

Relief washed over Engfa, and she could see the tension lift from Charlotte’s shoulders as well. Her grandfather had given his approval—at least for now—and that meant everything.

The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur of conversation and laughter. Charlotte fit in seamlessly with Engfa’s family, engaging in thoughtful discussions and even winning over some of the more skeptical relatives. By the end of the gathering, it was clear that the Waraha family had not only accepted Charlotte—they admired her.


Later that evening, after the guests had left and the sun had set, Engfa and Charlotte found themselves alone again, sitting by the fountain in the garden where they had first gotten engaged. The night was peaceful, the stars twinkling above them, and the only sound was the gentle trickling of water.

“I think they liked you,” Engfa said with a grin, nudging Charlotte playfully.

Charlotte laughed softly, leaning into her. “I think they did, too. But I wasn’t doing it for them, you know. I was doing it for you.”

Engfa turned to look at her, her heart swelling with love. “You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, Charlotte. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

Charlotte’s eyes softened, and she leaned in to kiss Engfa gently. “I know. But I also know how important your family is to you, and I want to be a part of that. I want to build a life with you—a future.”

Engfa smiled, her hand gently caressing Charlotte’s cheek. “We will. We already are.”

As they sat there together, the future stretched out before them—bright and full of possibility. They had overcome so much to get to this point, and they knew there would be more challenges ahead. But as long as they had each other, they were ready to face anything.

Charlotte, the Waraha’s daughter-in-law, was here to stay.


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