Special: I Want a Little Sissy

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It was a calm Sunday afternoon, the sun casting a warm glow through the windows of their cozy home. Maya, now four years old and as lively as ever, was sprawled out on the living room floor, surrounded by her toys. Engfa and Charlotte sat together on the couch, quietly sipping coffee, enjoying the rare moment of peace. Maya was usually a whirlwind of energy, but today she seemed particularly focused-something that always made them curious.

Engfa glanced down at her daughter, who was busy arranging her dolls in a perfect line, and then at Charlotte with a small smile. "She's been really quiet today. Do you think she's up to something?"

Charlotte raised an eyebrow, setting her coffee down. "With Maya? Always."

Just as they shared a knowing laugh, Maya sat up abruptly, clutching one of her dolls. She had a serious look on her face, the kind of expression that made Engfa and Charlotte wonder what grand idea she'd come up with this time.

"Mama? Mommy?" Maya called out, standing up and walking over to them with the doll in hand. She climbed onto the couch between them, her big brown eyes filled with determination.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Charlotte asked, brushing a strand of Maya's hair out of her face.

Maya held up her doll, a tiny baby doll that she often referred to as her "baby." She looked at both her mothers before announcing, "I want a little sissy."

Engfa nearly choked on her coffee, and Charlotte's eyes widened in surprise. They looked at each other, caught completely off-guard. Maya's request wasn't something they had expected-at least not this soon.

"You... want a little sister?" Engfa asked, still trying to process the words.

Maya nodded enthusiastically, hugging the doll close to her chest. "Yes! A little sissy, like my baby," she said, pointing to the doll. "I'll take care of her and play with her, and she can sleep in my room. I'll share my toys!"

Charlotte blinked a few times, trying to suppress a chuckle. "Maya, that's a big thing to ask for. A little sister is a lot of responsibility."

Maya frowned, clearly not understanding the complexity of the situation. "But I can help! I'll be a good big sister, I promise!" Her eyes sparkled with sincerity, her little hands clutching the doll tighter.

Engfa placed her cup on the table and leaned down to be at eye level with Maya. "I know you would be an amazing big sister, sweetheart, but having a baby takes time. And your mommy and I would have to think about it very carefully."

Maya's face scrunched up, trying to make sense of her mama's words. "But I want a sissy now."

Charlotte laughed softly, pulling Maya into her lap. "It's not something that happens right away, love. But..." She exchanged a glance with Engfa, her tone gentle. "It's something we can talk about, okay?"

Maya pouted for a moment, but then her face lit up again. "So... you'll think about it?"

Engfa and Charlotte both nodded, their hearts softening at the sight of their daughter's hopeful expression.

"We'll think about it," Engfa said, smiling at Charlotte, her mind already swirling with thoughts. Having Maya had been the most beautiful experience of their lives. The idea of expanding their family was something they'd discussed before, but now, hearing it from Maya, it seemed more real.


That night, after Maya was tucked into bed and the house was quiet again, Engfa and Charlotte lay in their own bed, their hands intertwined. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, but they both knew what was on each other's minds.

"So," Engfa started, her voice soft. "What do you think?"

Charlotte smiled, turning on her side to face her wife. "About the little sissy?"

Engfa nodded, her eyes searching Charlotte's. "I've been thinking about it for a while, but I didn't want to bring it up because I know how busy things have been. But after today... hearing Maya ask for it so sweetly... I don't know, it just made me think maybe we're ready."

Charlotte's smile grew wider, her heart swelling with love for both Engfa and Maya. "I've thought about it too. It wouldn't be easy, but we've never backed down from a challenge before. And I think Maya would make a wonderful big sister."

Engfa's eyes sparkled with excitement, a mixture of love and anticipation in her voice. "She really would. I mean, we've built such a beautiful life together. Why not add one more little Waraha to the family?"

Charlotte leaned in and kissed Engfa softly. "I think I'm ready for this next chapter," she whispered.

Engfa grinned, pulling Charlotte closer. "Then let's do it. Let's give Maya that little sissy she's been asking for."


The following week, Engfa and Charlotte sat Maya down, their faces glowing with excitement. They hadn't told anyone else yet, but they wanted Maya to know first, to make her feel like the special big sister she already imagined herself to be.

"Maya," Charlotte started, gently pulling her daughter onto her lap. "Remember when you asked us about having a little sister?"

Maya's eyes lit up, her tiny hands clapping in excitement. "Yes! Are we getting one? Are we, are we?"

Engfa chuckled, brushing her daughter's hair back. "Well, it's not something that happens overnight, but your mommy and I have decided we're going to try."

Maya's face broke into the biggest smile they'd ever seen. She bounced excitedly on Charlotte's lap, her hands clasped in delight. "Yay! I'm going to be the best big sister ever!"

Charlotte kissed the top of Maya's head. "We know you will, love."

As Maya ran off to start preparing her room for the new "sissy," Engfa and Charlotte watched her with fond smiles. Their hearts were full, and the thought of growing their family filled them with a sense of joy and purpose.


Months passed, and with the help of modern technology and their shared determination, Engfa and Charlotte began the journey toward welcoming a second child into their lives. Every step brought them closer to the new addition to their family, and Maya was more excited than anyone, constantly talking to Charlotte's belly, imagining all the adventures she would have with her little sister.

One evening, as they sat together on the couch-Maya nestled between them, her hand resting on Charlotte's growing belly-Engfa and Charlotte exchanged a look filled with love and contentment. Their family was about to grow, and they knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would face them together, just as they always had.

With Maya leading the way, their little mischievous Waraha, and a new baby on the way, the Waraha family's next chapter was just beginning-one filled with even more laughter, love, and a new little sissy.


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