Chapter 1: Meet again

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Engfa leaned against the wall of her mother's study, arms crossed, her brows furrowed in frustration. It had been another long day at home, and yet again, she had found Charlotte hovering in the hallways, helping her aunt with tasks, like she belonged there. It irritated her, even though she couldn't fully explain why.

"Mother, I don't understand why Charlotte is always around. She doesn't belong here," Engfa said sharply, her tone harsher than intended.

Her mother looked up from her papers, raising an eyebrow. "Engfa, that girl has been nothing but kind and hardworking. She's practically family at this point."

Engfa huffed, turning her gaze toward the window. "But it just doesn't feel right. She's...different. We're different."

Her mother sighed, her disappointment clear. "She may not come from our background, but she's brilliant, kind, and respectful. Charlotte has more heart and intelligence than most people we know. You could learn a thing or two from her."

Engfa's frown deepened, but before she could respond, a soft sound caught her attention. Her eyes flicked toward the doorway, where Charlotte stood frozen, a tray of tea in her hands. Her face was pale, her eyes wide with hurt.

"Charlotte...," Engfa started, but the words stuck in her throat. She had never seen Charlotte like this-so fragile, like she might break.

Without a word, Charlotte turned on her heel and disappeared down the hallway, leaving Engfa with a gnawing feeling in her chest.


Four years later, Engfa returned from her studies overseas. Her time abroad had changed her-broadened her horizons, made her rethink many things. But as she stepped back into her family's grand estate, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

Everything was different now. The familiar faces of the staff, the warm greetings from her parents-it all felt somewhat...distant. And Charlotte was nowhere to be seen.

One evening, while catching up with her old friend Olive, Engfa found herself at a cozy, well-known café in the city. Olive raved about the place, mentioning how the barista made the best coffee she had ever tasted. Engfa wasn't paying much attention, her mind wandering, until they entered the café and she spotted a familiar figure behind the counter.

It was Charlotte.

The sight of her took Engfa's breath away. Gone was the timid girl she had left behind. Charlotte had grown into a confident, stunning young woman. She moved behind the counter with ease, chatting with customers, her smile warm and genuine. Engfa's chest tightened at the sight.

"Engfa?" Olive's voice broke through her thoughts. "That's Charlotte, right? She works here now. She's become quite popular; people love her."

Engfa swallowed hard, nodding. She hadn't expected to see Charlotte again, much less like this-so self-assured, radiant in a way that made Engfa's heart race. She had no idea how much she had missed her until now.

As they approached the counter, Charlotte's eyes flickered over to them, and the warmth in her gaze vanished the moment she recognized Engfa. The pain from their last encounter still lingered, and Engfa could see it clearly in Charlotte's guarded expression.

"Welcome to Café Lumière. What can I get for you?" Charlotte asked, her tone professional but distant.

Engfa hesitated, the words catching in her throat. Olive ordered for both of them, chatting casually, but Engfa couldn't take her eyes off Charlotte. She had hurt her, she knew that now. And she hated that she had been the cause of the wall that now stood between them.


Over the next few weeks, Engfa found herself visiting the café more often. At first, it was under the pretense of catching up with Olive, but eventually, she came on her own. Each time, Charlotte remained polite, but their interactions were brief, her distance clear.

Engfa couldn't stop thinking about her-how much she had changed, how beautiful she had become, and how much regret she felt for the way she had treated her in the past. Slowly, she started finding small ways to reconnect. She would compliment Charlotte's work at the café, ask about her day, try to engage in conversation. But Charlotte remained cautious, her responses short.

One rainy afternoon, as the café was about to close, Engfa gathered the courage to approach Charlotte. This time, it wasn't just for coffee-it was for something more.

"Charlotte, can we talk?" Engfa asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Charlotte glanced up, her eyes searching Engfa's for a moment before nodding. "Sure."

They stepped outside, the rain softly pattering around them, the city streets quiet. Engfa struggled to find the right words, her heart pounding in her chest.

"I've been thinking about what happened...before I left," Engfa started, her voice trembling slightly. "I was horrible to you, and I'm sorry. I don't know why I treated you the way I did. Maybe I was just immature or...jealous of how much my family adored you."

Charlotte's gaze softened, but she didn't say anything.

"I know I hurt you, and I've regretted it ever since. Coming back and seeing you now, it's made me realize how wrong I was. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just wanted you to know that I've changed. I see you now, Charlotte. And I... I want to make things right."

Charlotte was silent for a long moment, her eyes searching Engfa's face. Finally, she spoke, her voice quiet but firm. "It hurt, Engfa. You have no idea how much. But I'm not that same girl anymore. I've grown, and I don't let people walk over me."

Engfa nodded, her heart sinking. She had known it wouldn't be easy to win back Charlotte's trust, but hearing it still hurt.

"But," Charlotte continued, her expression softening just a little, "people can change. And I can see that you've changed too."

Hope bloomed in Engfa's chest as she looked into Charlotte's eyes. "I have. And I want to show you that I'm not the person I was before. I don't want to lose the chance to get to know you...the real you."

Charlotte smiled slightly, her guard lowering for the first time. "We'll see."


Over the next few months, Engfa worked tirelessly to prove herself. She visited the café, not just to see Charlotte, but to help out whenever she could-learning how to make coffee, helping clean up after closing, even assisting during rush hours. Slowly, they began to rebuild the connection they had lost. Charlotte's walls came down, and Engfa found herself falling deeply in love with her, realizing that her feelings had been there all along.

One evening, as they sat together in the café after hours, sipping on warm tea, Engfa finally mustered the courage to speak the words that had been on her mind for months.

"Charlotte, I'm in love with you," she confessed, her voice steady but her heart racing. "I've loved you for a long time, even before I realized it. I know I hurt you in the past, but I'm asking for a chance to make things right. A chance to love you the way you deserve."

Charlotte looked at her, her eyes soft, the hint of a smile playing on her lips. "You already have that chance, Engfa. You've been proving yourself to me every day."

Engfa's heart soared as Charlotte reached out, gently taking her hand.

"Let's take this slow," Charlotte whispered, her thumb brushing over Engfa's knuckles. "But I'm willing to give us a try."

Engfa smiled, her heart full of warmth and hope. For the first time in her life, everything felt right.


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