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I stuffed the last of my books into my bag, finally putting it to good use. I mean, what's the point of having a designer bag if it's just collecting dust, right? Scarlett scared the living hell out of me, bursting into tears out of nowhere. That girl never cries. Not in front of anyone, at least. She’s always been the type to bury everything deep down, let it fester, and deal with it alone. But that day? It was different. Adam, that worthless piece of shit, broke her.

She never really told us the real reason they broke up. Just gave the usual “we weren’t getting along” excuse and called it quits. But Scarlett doesn’t just give up on people. She’s a ride-or-die, the type who sticks it out through thick and thin. So, for her to end things? It had to be serious. I mean, they’ve fought before, but they always managed to patch things up. Not this time though.

I feel like this breakup is going to scar her for life. She’ll probably have trust issues now, and good luck to the Prince Charming who will definitely try to get through those walls. He’ll need a damn miracle.

I zipped up my bag and headed out of my room. I found Mom and Dad in the dining room, about to start lunch. "Where are you off to? Without eating?" Mom asked, giving me the look—the one that says I better not be up to any nonsense.

“To Scarlett’s. We’re gonna study together,” I said, which wasn’t a total lie. And since it was about studying, I knew she’d let me go. My dad gave me a small nod of approval, but Mom wasn’t done yet. "And lunch? Don’t skip your meals," she added, eyes narrowing like I was about to commit a crime. I waved her off as I started walking out. "I’ll eat with Scar later. Don’t worry."

As I reached the front door, I heard her sigh. "You better be studying and not just gossiping," she warned. I chuckled, knowing that was inevitable when Scarlett and I got together. Still, I nodded.

I was about to make a clean escape when I ran into Uncle Seo Yeon-Oh, walking in just as I was leaving. He had this way of looking at me like he knew something I didn’t. "Clara, how are you?" he greeted me with a smile. "Doing great, Uncle. And you?" I replied, forcing a smile back. It’s not that I disliked him, but he always gave off this weird vibe, like there was something going on beneath the surface.

His gaze dropped down to my feet, specifically to my shoes. "I see you’re not wearing the heels I gifted you," he commented, his tone light but his words...oddly pointed.

I chuckled, brushing it off. "Oh, those? They're too special for everyday wear. Saving them for a special occasion." Which was the truth. I loved those heels, but I wasn’t about to ruin them by wearing them around casually.

He nodded with a faint smile, like he approved of my answer. "As you wish." He even gave me a little pat on the head, which—awkward. I was not a kid anymore.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧 #𝟏  Where stories live. Discover now