|SIX~ Power puff girls|

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The group of five teenagers made it to where the coast guard had set up a tent. They all tired to get somebodies attention but no one would listen. It angered Lia that they where there with a real emergency but the coast guards weren't interested, instead they were listening to some couple who was worried about their diabetic dog. Yes she loved dog's but there was a bigger picture right now.

"Well that went well" The red headed girl sighed as they exited the building, the two girls resting against the beams holding up the porch, the boys gathered around next to them, JJ's arm resting on John b's shoulder.

"So, What's the plan?" he asked, looking between his friends.

John b waves the key in front of him "I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat"

"No, no. We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone" Pope argues as JJ plucks the key from John b's hand and throws it towards the girls who are fighting over catching it, Kie catches it, throwing Lia a triumphant look.

"I'm in" JJ comments.

"Come on. We'll be look out" Kie tells Pope with a small smile before walking towards the boat, JJ close behind grabbing Lia and throwing her over his shoulder with ease

"Come on Sir Popealot! It will be fun" The Highwater girl calls to him before laughing as JJ runs them back to the boat.

When the group got to the motel they all stood silently taking in it's run down shabby appearance before JJ whistle's

"I thought the Chateau looked bad" he comments 

"This place is a shit show" Lia scoffs 

"Motel or meth lab?" 

"You be the judge"

"Doesn't look like a place someone with a Grady white stays" John b says

"No it looks like the type of place someone with a Grady white would get killed" Lia murmurs, running her hand across her neck in a slicing motion and dropping her head to one side, her forehead landing on Kie's back making the girl laugh.

"Alright. Here we go" JJ says as they near the bank "This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin' in for landing" He mimics static before jumping off the boat and tying the boat down so it wouldn't float away.

"We good?" John b asks 

"We good" JJ confirms

"Alright. Here goes nothing" John b sighs as he jumps out the boat.

"Come on MJ" JJ helps Lia down from the boat. 

"Hey, don't let him do anything stupid" Pope speaks up, looking between John b and Lia, pointing at JJ who stands there, his eyebrows furrowed

"Oh we will"  JJ tells him confidently.

"I'm making an promises" John b tells Pope

"Me neither" Cordelia agrees

Pope sighs " Yeah I know"

"John b" Kie gains his attention "be careful, I mean it" she tells him as she handed him the room key.

"Yeah" John b replies with a chuckle, "Lets go" he says to Lia and JJ, stopping there play fighting.

"Just be so careful, John" JJ says, grabbing hold of John b, cupping his face.

"God, your weird!" Lia chuckled as she started to walk ahead to get away from them, turning her head a little as she went "29, yeah?" she asked John b who nodded at her, still trying to get away from JJ's grasp.

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