|TWO~ Waking up to sunrise|

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Lia groaned as the suns rays pierced into her eyes, even with then closed it was too bright. Had she forgotten to close her curtains last night ? Lia went to roll over but was met with a face full dry sand. 

She shot up from the ground looking around quickly at her surroundings and down at her self, as she did so she remembered the events of last night with her mother- the shouting, the smashing of glass as her mother threw glasses around haphazardly not caring where they hit, the memories replayed in her mind until she lastly she remembered ending up on the beach, hoping to wait out the monster at home. She was just glad that that was all that had happened and not what had happened the first time she had run away from home for the night when she was twelve.

Shivering as she pushed that memory back into it's box where she could lock it away for hopefully a long time if not forever. Brushing herself off she took a hairband from her wrist and messily tied up her knotted waist length auburn hair before grabbing her old, worn, beaten up converse that she had abandonly thrown to the side last night, glad that they were still there and not stolen but someone walking past.  

When she had gotten back to the sidewalk she balanced precariously on one leg as she pulled on her converse before starting the short walk home, passing many people who were starting they day at the crack of dawn just to earn a living, where as figure eight was still relatively dark and quite, a stark contrast to the filling up streets of the cut. Lia hated the discrimination and separation but she was at a loss, what could she do about it? Nobody cared about the Pogue's or the people living on the cut apart from themselves but she'd pick being a Pogue any day over being a Kook, the thought repulsed her, Kook's were manipulative, narcissistic, lying assholes but then again so was her mother she thought.

Lia arrived on her street and subconsiously slowed down her walk, she was in no rush to get back. As she approached the gate she couldn't hear any sound from inside which was a good sign if she had heard something she would of kept on going and gone to John b's. Holding her breath Lia carefully took her key's from her back pocket as quietly as she could and shakily turned the key in the lock, wincing at any small clunking sound it made as she twisted her wrist unlocking the door fully. 

Opening the door just a crack so she could squeeze past, knowing just how far she could push it before the old scratched up wooden door would squeak, Lia held her breath as she rounded the door. Keeping her back to the it so she could keep an eye on her surroundings she expertly closed the door without looking before she stepped tentatively across the mahogany wood floor, knowing exactly where she could step with out the floor creak under her. As she reached the couch she saw her mom sprawled out uncomfortably over the small, stained once cream couch, bottles surrounded her, the liquid that had been in the bottle that was still in her grasp had spilt all over the floor leaving a small sticky puddle.

Cordelia sighed at the common sight, although she wasn't her mothers biggest fan, to put it lightly, she stood for a second watching for her mothers chest to rise and fall a few times before turning to continue the small route to her room. Her mother would probably be asleep now for the rest of the day an probably well into the night. When she entered her room she made sure to lock it behind her before slipping off her shoes an peeling off her clothes to have a shower, making sure to spend a little extra time shampooing her hair. Once out of the shower she brushed her teeth and then dried off and put on a light blue bikini before pulling a pair of light blue high waisted denim shorts and a white t-shirt with black sleeves, then Dutch braided her hair before packing a small bag, planning to stay at John b's tonight, and pulled her converse back on.

Making sure she had every she slung her bag over her shoulder before carefully climbing out the window, leaving it slightly open for her return in a day or so if her mother was on one again. Lia grabbed her old, slightly rusty bike from the side of the house by her window and quickly road off towards John b's .

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