|ONE~ Cordelia Highwater|

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The Highwater's were never as regal as they sounded.       

Francesca Highwater, Cordelia's mother, was a drugged up alcoholic narcissist who blame her daughter for all her mistakes and failures, though to an outsider she painted herself to be the picture perfect mother  many thought her to be. Cordelia's father, well she didn't know him, he'd abandoned them while her mother was pregnant, which of course was Magnolia's fault, well that's what her mother told her at least .

Lia had always disappointed her mother, right from birth. When Lia would cry as a baby Francesca would lose her patience with the infant when she would wail, seeking food, a clean pair of clothes, comfort, love but she hardly ever received the love and attention she deserved, only the bare minimum to keep her alive and relatively healthy to save the probing questions and prying eyes. As a toddler Lia would accidently spill her food or drink and her mother would scream at her, when they were in the comfort of there own home but out in public Francesca doted on her small daughter to keep up appearances, leading the small girl to live in fear and confusion, behaving incredibly well in the hopes to stay on her mothers good side. This was the only use Lia was to her mother, helping her keep up appearances out of fear, the compliments and envy from the other mothers and parents fueled Francesca's ego which only made they situation worse for Cordelia. Francesca was often too busy for her child, she almost always chose shooting up, snorting some suspicious white substance or being off her face on alcohol before her child causing Lia to have to learn to look after and out for herself since she was still a small child.

Cordelia had only ever felt love, acceptance or comfort when she befriended two rambunctious young boys who saw her sitting alone and crying in the park one day and took it upon themselves to make her happy and gave her no choice but to be there friend when they would not leave her alone, Lia would often think back to that day fondly with a smile, she'd be forever grateful for the pair even if they annoyed her beyond belief. The trio had later on befriended another boy by the name of Pope, she was more quite and reserved then the other boys but he fit in amazingly, finally a short while after that a final member of there group was added when Kiara came along Lia thanked her lucky stars that there was finally another girl in the group.

Cordelia had always been known to run from her problems which is how she ended up on the beach at eleven at night, her auburn hair billowing in the wind and occasionally whipping round her face, her denim short that had kept her cool during the day were now allowing the breeze of the summers night to raise goosebumps on her legs. The light yellow tank top she'd been wearing that day now covered by a light blue hoodie that she had stolen from JJ long ago luckily keeping the top half of her body warm as she pulled the long sleeves down over her hands. 

Cordelia sat on the sand her knees drawn up to her chest as she sat near the waters edge, the water lapping occasionally over her bare feet , soothing her almost, bringing her back to earth and letting her know she was she here. She was still here. Her arms where crossed in front of her, over her knees, she swayed slightly rocking herself back and forth as she tried to ground herself.

Tonight had been one of the worst it had been in a long time and she needed to get out though she knew she'd regret it when she would finally return to the hell in which she called her home, her family. Her palms stung from where her nails had been digging into them over and over again further indenting the little half moon shaped scars that sat there.

The tear tracks on her face had dried up a while ago along with the tears that burst from her eyes as soon as she had felt the sand between her toes. Cordelia refused to let her mother see her cry, she tried not to let anyone see her cry, her mother had always taught her that crying was a weakness and being weak was embarrassing.

Delia laid back to look at the stars that twinkled above her in the clear nights sky, she knew she would have to go home soon, she hoped that by staying out that she could let her mother wear herself out and that she would hopefully be passed out somewhere when she eventually returned or even not at their home whatsoever but she knew that was probably just wishful thinking. Lia's eyes grew heavier and heavier until she could no longer keep them open, the mental and physical exhaustion finally catching up to her. This wouldn't be the first time that Lia had slept on the beach and she knew for certain that it would definitely not be the last. 


My first chapter of my JJ book is complete! 

A little backstory into Magnolia and what her life/situation is like going into the first episode of season one. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out but any grammar or spelling mistake's please point them out to me, I am dyslexic and do proof read and try my hardest but will definitely miss some here and there. I am also British so will also definitely mess up American terms and language so please let me know about that also!

Hope you enjoyed reading, 

Love  Em Xx

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