|FOUR~ Agatha|

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It was now late afternoon and the slowly setting sun spread hues of orange and pink throughout the sky as the five Pogue's hung out at a new building site in figure eight.

Lia watched John b carefully as he balanced precariously on one foot, on top of the building, right on the edge of course, a can of beer in his hand. Lia was fiercely protective of her friends and she was always looking out for them and ready to have their backs with a moments notice.

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck. I give you about a one in three chance of survival." Pope tells John b. 

"Hm" John b hums "Should I do it?" he asks. Lia rolls her eyes with a smile at his words knowing he wouldn't really do it.

"Yeah, jump" Pope encourages him "I'll shoot you on the way down" he holds out an electric drill.

"You'll shoot me?"

Lia laughs quietly at the two of them before pushing off of the railing she was leaning her forearms against and plopping herself down next to JJ and nicking his beer and taking a swig earing a annoyed "Hey!" before she gave it back , shooting JJ an innocent smile.

Before anyone could say anything else Kei came out of the house where she was looking around "There going to have Japanese toilets with towel warmers" she tells them frustratedly.

"Of course they are, why wouldn't they?" Cordelia scoffs leaning her arms onto the bars in front of her and resting her head on them.

"This used to be a turtle habitat" Kei sighs.

"I can't have cold towels" JJ and Lia say in sync, giving each other a smile at their similarities. The hard cold concrete was digging into her legs so Lia turns her body slightly so she can rest them over JJ's who puts his his left hand which was free over them to keep them in place. Lia couldn't help the sharp intake of breath that she took.

"Can you please not kill yourself" Kie asked John b as she squinted, looking up at the daredevil.

"Yeah I'd rather not have to deal with your brains all over the floor!" Lia called up to him "Though I doubt there'd be much" she added quietly, though JJ heard her and chuckled, holding out his fist so they could fist bump.

"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one" JJ tells him before downing the rest of him own can. 

"Oh shit-" 

At that precise moment John b lost balance and the beer can hurtled towards the floor before splattering onto the decking below.

"Of course you did- Like right when I say not to!" JJ complains

"Smooth" Kei chuckles.

"See! That could of easily of been your fucking head dude!" Cordelia yells, smiling up at the boy as if to say I told you so.

"A-plus" JJ comments at his friends stupidity as John b reaches out below him groaning as if he's stranded on a deserted island and has just dropped his last cup of water. 

"Dumbass" Kei and Cordelia agree as they share a laugh over the boys misfortune.

Pope peers round the side of the scaffolding "Hey, uh, security's here" he announces "Time to wrap it up"

The group hear the cop yell from a distance "Boys are early today"  Lia comments. JJ scrambles up before holding out a hand for the red head beside him and speaking in a poor British accent

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