|EIGHT~ Kegger|

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The kegger was in full swing, the five friends had set up some kegs and brought a load of red solo cups, and soon the boneyard started to fill with many teenagers. The group of close knit friends has spilt up and where mingling with the guests, Kie was talking to a boy, no doubt about saving sea turtles or star signs, Pope was attempting to flirt with a but couldn't help but bring up corpses and dead bodies. JJ, Lia and John b where in amongst a large group of party goer's, Lia and JJ stood in the middle racing to shot gun beers, their arms were linked together as they tipped their heads back, each hoping to beat the other. The group around them cheered louder and louder as they got closer to finishing their beers, Lia suddenly threw her empty cup on the floor in victory before wiping her mouth. JJ stopped downing his beer and high fived the red head, laughing loudly at the look on her face, she'd never been keen on shot gunning beers but he somehow always persuaded her to do it and somehow she always won.

"Again Cordie?" JJ asked still laughing "How'd you do it so fast?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" she responded, the alcohol flowing through her giving her a sudden burst of confidence. Lia patted JJ on the shoulder when he stopped laughing and his mouth hung open in shock before turning to a group of girls and moving away to a couple of large logs to sit down, laughing the whole way at something one of them had said.

"Dude! She owned you!" John b told his friend, putting an arm round his shoulders

"Shut up dude!" JJ shoved him off playfully, trying not to think about the girls words too much.

A little while later the sun had set and the beach was only illuminated by the few fires they had burning. JJ and John b where standing close to where Lia had plopped herself down near the waters edge, letting the cool water lap against her feet.

"Hey- hey Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" he asked the blonde girl as she and Topper walked past.

"No, thanks" she declined, Lia held no grudges against the girl. Yes she knew that Kiara had told them that something had gone down between them but until Lia knew what or until Sarah did anything against her she wouldn't just disklike the girl for no reason, not that she'd tell Kie that. Sarah was a Kook but she hadn't done anything to directly harm Lia and as far as Lia was concerned, everyone deserves a fair chance to prove who they really are, her dads a asshole, Lia knew that for certain but Sarah, Sarah seemed to be oblivious to it and Lia couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl and feel almost drawn to her.

"Come on, is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ asked her

"No, We were just leaving" she explains. Lia hoped this wouldn't turn into a big thing.

"Come on Jayj, leave it" mumbled, tapping his boot clad foot.

"Hey, you now what I'll take it" Topper suggested "I'll- thank you man. I appreciate it"

"That's nice but I didn't ask you" JJ responded "If you'd of said pretty please, maybe... but you didn't"

"Oh pretty please-"

"Yeah, yeah. So Sarah, you can have it"

Lia got up, holding onto John b to pull herself up, so now she was standing between her two friends, just as Topper hit the red cup out of JJ's hands, the sticky beer now splashed all over her neck and face, dripping down her clothes and splattering onto the floor below.

"She doesn't want it you -" topper grabs hold of JJ by the collar of his shirt, John b, Lia and Sarah are quick to pull them apart.

"You're so funny man!" JJ shouts to the Kook as Pope and Kie come running over to see what all the noise was about, John b holds onto JJ's shoulders trying to calm him down

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