He Gets Jealous

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You and Slenderman was taking a nice walk down to the ice cream shop when you saw one of your best guy friends from elementary school. You ran to him and tackled him in a hug. "Y/N I haven't seen you in ages!!" he said excitedly. "I know I miss having your around Kaden." You both made small talk amongst each other, when you heard the sound of someone clearing theirs throat. Of course it was Slendy. He came and pulled you close,to him by the hips and attacked your lips with his. When he pulled away he said this one simple word that could either make you smile/blush or cower away with fear. "Mine." he stated and pulled you away from Kaden.

Your baby brother had came to stay a couple nights at your place because your parents needed a little vacation. Since he's only one years old he needs a lot of attention. As of right now you were cradling him to sleep for his afternoon nap. Jeff had a pout on his pale face as he watched you and your younger brother Jacob. Finally, your brother fell asleep. You took him to your room and tucked him in the blankets and softly closed the door. When you came back downstairs Jeff was standing right by the stairway and said, "Jacob is getting more attention than me.." "Aww is little Jeffery jealous?" you asked as you pinched his cheeks. "Your the only one who can call me Jeffery without getting slaughtered." he said with red cheeks. You laughed and prepared to make lunch for you two.

You had just got a new puppy and his name was Princeton. He was one of the cutest things you've ever seen in your life. He was so cuddly and so perfect. You were cuddling on the couch with Princeton and accidently fell asleep. BEN had just came in from his killing spree. He walked in hoping to be greeted by your beautiful face when he saw you cuddled up next to Princeton. He smiles at you and gently kisses your forehead. He looked at the dog with hopeful eyes and said,"Can I cuddle with Y/N?" he inched closer to you and the dog began to growl at him. "Mangy mut " he spat at the dog and went upstairs.

You were a professional fangirl. You knew every hacking device, codes to log into the accounts, everything. You even helped breaking the VEVO record for One Direction. Today was the day that One Direction and 5sauce were on Good Morning America (whatever news channel/talk show). Let's just said you had 3 bags of potato chips, 5 boxes of cookies, 2 candy bars, and 6 lollipops. You were ready to fangirl. As soon as the Ticci enetered the house and heard you scream he ran in and grabbed his Ax. "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" he asked ready to kill. "IN THE LIVINGROOM WITH 5 DORKA AND 4 AUSTRALIAN MEN!!" Confused Toby ran in the living room and pouted. "Baby how do they get you to scream like that?" "Because they are life and hot, and sexy." you said looking at him. "I'll show you sexy." he said and picked you up and ran to the room. Lets just say you screamed a lot louder that night and it wasn't by boybands .

Even though Lui/Sully was your bf you always thought Lost Sliver was so adorable. You and Silver were hanging out today watching movies and such while Lui was gone. During one of the movies you began to drift off. Your head leaned against Silbers shoulder for support and you feel asleep. Silver looked down at you and blushed. "Night Y/N." he said and gently kisses your forehead. 15 min later Lui/Sully walked in. Hey Y/N I brought home some dinn----" He paused when he saw you and Silver knocked out asleep on the couch. Lui smiles and walked over to pick you up when he switched over to Sully. A distorted look came on his face. He picked you up and whispered in Silver's ear,"Mine." and walked off to put you to bed.

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