"The Void's Wrath: No Way Back"

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Chapter 7: The Void's Wrath

The sterile halls of Helheim Base were shattering under the raw power of the Herrscher of the Void. Sirin, now fully in control of Kiana's body, smiled coldly as cracks rippled through the floor. The raw, destructive energy of the Honkai poured out of her like an unstoppable flood.

Mei, Himeko, and Bronya stared in horror. The girl they had fought alongside for so long was gone, and in her place was a living force of destruction, eyes glowing with cold, merciless light. But they weren't ready to give up.

Mei Raiden (softly, her voice shaking):
"Kiana... I know you're still in there... Please."

Sirin's eyes flicked toward Mei, and a cruel smile tugged at her lips.

Sirin (mocking):
"Do you really think Kiana can hear you? She's nothing now. I am the one in control."

Mei's heart clenched, but she stepped forward, refusing to accept what she was hearing. She tightened her grip on her blade, her knuckles white with tension. Even as her voice shook, her resolve was iron.

Mei Raiden (determined):
"Kiana would never give in to someone like you. We'll bring her back, no matter what it takes."

Without warning, Sirin raised her hand, and a wave of Honkai energy exploded from her body, sending violent tremors through the base. The walls cracked, and the ground beneath their feet threatened to collapse. Mei barely had time to react as a surge of energy raced toward her.

Himeko Murata (shouting, leaping forward):
"Mei, watch out!"

Himeko moved with lightning speed, pushing Mei out of the way just as the energy blast tore through the space where she had been standing. The sheer force of the attack left deep scorch marks on the floor, a clear reminder of Sirin's overwhelming power.

Bronya Zaychik (analyzing quickly, voice tense):
"She's too strong. We need to find a way to suppress her power, or we won't survive this."

But Sirin only laughed, the sound echoing through the collapsing chamber. She raised her hand again, and the air crackled with power.

Sirin (smirking, filled with dark amusement):
"Why resist? You know you can't defeat me. Kiana is gone... forever."

Mei's heart twisted at those words, but she refused to back down. Her grip on her weapon tightened, and she steeled herself for what was to come. She wouldn't give up on Kiana—not now, not ever.

Mei Raiden (with fierce resolve):
"You're wrong. We're not giving up on her!"

Mei charged forward, her blade flashing as she swung it with all her strength, aiming for Sirin's chest. But Sirin was faster. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a barrier of pure energy, blocking the attack effortlessly.

Mei's eyes widened in shock as her sword collided with the barrier, sending a shockwave through her body. Before she could react, Sirin retaliated, sending a blast of energy that knocked Mei off her feet.

Mei Raiden (gasping, struggling to stand):

Himeko rushed to Mei's side, helping her to her feet. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Sirin. This was worse than they had imagined. Sirin was far more powerful than they had expected, and Kiana—her Kiana—was trapped somewhere inside, struggling to break free.

Himeko Murata (gritting her teeth, eyes burning with determination):
"We have to keep fighting. We have to reach her."

As Himeko spoke, a figure appeared from the shadows—Fu Hua. She had recovered enough from her injury to rejoin the fight, her face pale but determined.

Fu Hua (serious, voice low):
"There's still a chance. We need to distract Sirin long enough to weaken her connection to the Herrscher core. If we can disrupt her power, we might be able to give Kiana a chance to fight back."

Fu Hua's arrival gave the group a brief moment of hope. But before they could act, Sirin's voice cut through the air like a blade.

Sirin (coldly, eyes narrowing):
"Fu Hua... still alive, I see. It's pathetic how hard you fight for these worthless humans."

Fu Hua stepped forward, her fists clenched, her gaze unwavering. She had fought too many battles, lost too many friends, to let Sirin win. But deep inside, Fu Hua knew this would not be easy.

Fu Hua (quietly, with resolve):
"I won't let you take her. Not Kiana."

Before anyone could respond, Fu Hua lunged forward, her movements swift and precise. She aimed directly at Sirin, hoping to buy the others time. But Sirin was ready. A shockwave of energy exploded from her body, meeting Fu Hua's attack head-on. The two forces collided in a storm of power, sending ripples of energy through the base.

The battle between Fu Hua and Sirin was fierce, each strike meeting with equal force. But Otto, watching from the shadows, knew what had to be done. He couldn't afford to let Fu Hua interfere any longer.

As Fu Hua leaped toward Sirin, aiming for a final blow, Otto raised his weapon—a sleek, deadly pistol—and fired.

The shot rang out through the chamber.

Kiana Kaslana (whispering, somewhere deep inside, weakly):

The bullet struck Fu Hua in the side, sending her crashing to the ground. Blood spilled from her wound as she gasped in pain, her body shaking from the shock.

Mei Raiden (screaming, voice cracking):
"Fu Hua!"

Fu Hua tried to stand, but the pain was overwhelming. She looked up at Sirin, who smiled cruelly down at her, and at Otto, whose cold eyes showed no remorse. The world seemed to slow as Fu Hua's vision blurred.

Fu Hua (weakly, but still defiant):
"Kiana... you can still fight... don't... give in..."

But her words fell on deaf ears. Sirin raised her hand, her eyes glowing with dark power, ready to deliver the final blow.

Sirin (smiling, voice dripping with malice):
"Say goodbye, Fu Hua."

Just as Sirin's energy surged forward, something deep within the base seemed to shift. The air trembled, and Lyka, still deep in her coma on the Hyperion, suddenly gasped in her unconscious state. Her mind, though trapped in darkness, reached out instinctively, sensing the destruction unfolding far away.

Lyka Ashwind (whispering in her mind, feeling the chaos):
"No... this can't be happening..."

Though her body remained still, her magic began to stir. Spirit Resonance—a connection to the battle through sheer will—was forming. Lyka's spirit reached out, sensing the danger, the pain, and the impending doom as the Herrscher of the Void threatened everything.

She could feel Kiana's anguish, Fu Hua's pain, and the raw power of Sirin. Deep in her coma, Lyka's heart ached, her magical connection pulling her closer to the devastation. Though she was unable to move, she could feel everything. The battle. The suffering. The fight for Kiana's soul.

And it was far from over.

To Be Continued...

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