Season 2 Chapter 16

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Jaemin leaned in close, his voice low but steady. He whispered; his breath was hot against Sohyun's ear. "Never let your guard down."

Sohyun clenched his jaw as he felt his defeat, his heart tinged with sadness. The moment hung heavy between them until the commander's voice broke the tension, cutting through the charged air. "Kim Jaemin wins!"

Jaemin quickly pulled away, rising swiftly to his feet. Without glancing behind him, he left the field, mud still clinging to his clothes.

Sohyun, still lying in the mud, made no effort to get up. He stared blankly at the gloomy sky above, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Bastard...

"Lee Sohyun!" The commander's voice cut through the silence, sharp and unyielding. "Run twenty loops around the field and do 100 push-ups after!"

Sohyun blinked, the command pulling him out of his haze. His body ached from the fight and the fall, but the real pain gnawed deeper inside his heart. Why doesn't anything go the way I want?

With a groan, he pushed himself up from the mud, his muscles stiff and sore. "Ughhh..."

I came here to take a break from everything... I wanted to keep my hopes up that we still had another chance. I wanted us to have some time alone, so he could figure out his feelings, and may he forgive me one day...

Without any other words, Sohyun started jogging, mud still clinging to his clothes, the chill of the wet ground seeping into his bones. However, Jaemin has changed since that day... The weight of both his physical exhaustion and the emotional burden he carried made each step feel heavier than the last, but he forced himself to push through the pain. I could see it in his gaze the moment our eyes met the first day we got here... His breath came in short, sharp bursts as he ran, his thoughts churning as fast as his legs.

I know he feels betrayed... Sohyun thought, his chest heaving as he circled the field, passing by the other soldiers engaged in their own combat matches. The sounds of clashing fists and grunts of effort faded into the background as his mind focused solely on Jaemin. I know he feels guilty about what happened to his friend...

He increased his pace, feeling the cold air biting his skin, his soaked clothes clinging to him uncomfortably. I know he really cares about the real Sohyun... That thought echoed in his head, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. The faster he ran, the more he felt the sting of those words echoing in his mind. But... He's gone anyway...

Something twisted the ache in his chest even more. I thought maybe he had feelings for the real me... Sohyun's fists clenched as his arms pumped harder, driving him forward. I thought maybe one day he'd forgive me... His legs burned as he ran at full speed, the cold air now cutting through him like a knife, but he ignored the discomfort.

Yet, all I can see in his eyes is hate after seeing me again...

"Aaaaaaagh... F*ck you, Kim Jaemin!..." A breathless curse escaped Sohyun, bursting with frustration. "Why would I love you out of all people!? Ughhhh..." He exhaled deeply, his heart pounding rapidly due to the intense run. His muscles were nearing exhaustion, and he felt they might give up at any moment. "Huff... You're dead to me now!... Huff... You bastard!" He inhaled another desperate gasp of air, vowing with determination. "Go die!"


Sohyun stepped into their shared room, his body aching from exhaustion. Dressed in a plain white T-shirt and black sweatpants, his damp hair clung to his forehead, and a small towel draped loosely around his neck. The room was dimly lit; the quiet settled in as his roommates had already collapsed onto their sleeping mats, resting after the day's grueling training.

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