Season 2 Chapter 19 (The End)

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Inside the shop, the atmosphere shifted, thick with mystique. The room was dimly lit by flickering candles, casting long shadows across shelves packed with Tarot cards, crystal balls, and strange, ancient scrolls. The air smelled of incense, a heady mixture of sage and lavender that filled his senses.

The woman sat down behind a worn wooden table covered in a deep purple cloth, its surface embroidered with intricate gold patterns as she placed a cup of hot black tea across the table. Her black eyes gleamed in the low light as she gestured for Jaemin to sit across from her.

"Sit down, young man," she said; her voice now was calm and confident, as though she already knew he wouldn't refuse.

Jaemin hesitated for a moment, his mind still foggy from the alcohol, his surroundings surreal. His heart thudded in his chest as he finally sat down; his hands clenched tightly on his knees, his body tense.

The fortune teller, her piercing black eyes locked on him, spoke first, her voice smooth but commanding. "Why are you avoiding what God has gifted you with?"

Jaemin frowned, his confusion deepening. He scoffed slightly, rubbing his temples as he tried to think through the lingering haze of alcohol. "Gifted? Isn't it more like... a punishment?"

The woman chuckled, nodding as if she had expected that response. "Haha, in a way, yes. The heavens decided to give you both punishment and blessing at the same time."

Jaemin's eyes narrowed, uncertainty creeping into his voice. "What do you mean?"

The woman leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms as she regarded him thoughtfully. "You seem pretty confused. Let me explain from the beginning." She paused for a moment before continuing. "You committed two unforgivable mistakes: one, you lost hope. Two, you tried to end your life. That's why the heavens wanted to punish you."

Jaemin's gaze dropped to the table, his eyes landing on the teacup in front of him. Memories of those dark days flooded back—his grandmother's and his friend's deaths, those bullies, the guilt, the overwhelming despair that had consumed him. He stayed silent, listening, as the fortune teller's voice carried on.

"However," she continued, her tone softening, "there were people who prayed for you, people who loved you and wanted you to live. You helped so many along the way, without even realizing it. And your grandmother, especially, was relentless in her prayers for your well-being. The heavens couldn't simply let you walk down the dark path you were heading toward."

Jaemin's mind reeled as he processed her words. His voice was barely above a whisper when he asked, "The dark path?"

She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. "You were supposed to fall into complete misery after your friend's death. You were meant to suffer, drowning in guilt and despair, judging by your personality." She smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes. "But you were lucky. A mistake was made, a rare one—a mistake by a newbie grim reaper. They pulled Shin So-Ah's soul out of her body before her time. Her name wasn't even on the list of those meant to die."

Jaemin's heart raced, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Wait, what? You're telling me Shin So-Ah's death was a mistake?"

The woman nodded; her gaze unwavering. "Yes. She wasn't supposed to die that day. But since it happened, the heavens have granted her a wish and let her live in Sohyun's body."

Jaemin's stomach twisted, his confusion growing with every word she said. "But what about Sohyun?" His voice was shaky now, almost desperate. "Why did they let him die? His body was still healthy... he wasn't supposed to die, right?"

The woman sighed, leaning back again. "Sohyun was destined to die that day, no matter what. Even if he hadn't gotten into the accident, something else would have happened. He would've met his end in another way. His fate was sealed."

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