platonic soulmates

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i never knew friendship

true, raw friendship

what it felt like to be friends with someone

until now, that is.

my whole life, i had friends

i wouldn't say i didnt

but they weren't true friendships

they were half hearted

half assed

half worth it friendships

the ones that feel fake

or forced

but now, i get it.

because you showed me true friendship

being yourself and being proud about it

not worrying about impressions

or how you come across to others

just being you

sharing inside jokes and laughs

and not being afraid to take up space

because as a wise soul once told me

"your dreams are worth fighting for,

so don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise"

and i live by that every single day

i love you 

my platonic soulmate

my opposite end

worlds away but still so close to my heart 

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