Chapter 1- Calista

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*Calista's POV*

A gun shot echoed around the school grounds and I darted down the long field. I broke out into sweat and I reached my coach. "Good work, Calista! Your time was shorter than your highest! Your improving, and sweating more than usual." My coach said and I put my hands on my knees and panted.

He threw me a towel and handed me some water. "Thanks coach... Phew... Okay! Let's go again!" I said slapping my cheeks.

Later- I went back home and jumped onto my bed and raised my hands "100 points! And the crowd goes wild! Ahhhhh!" I mumbled to myself and pulled out my phone.

"Alright! Time for some Ninja Assassin!" I said and began to read through the route. I stopped then thought to myself "what would it be like to be there and do these things like the heroine...? I think it would be amazing!"

Just then my phone rang-

"Ugh... But I wanna play it..." I growled and answered it "Hey, it's Calista."
"Calista, wanna go out for a bit? There is suppose to be a meteor shower tonight!"
"Hey Jennifer! I'm kinda busy... With things... And stuff... Can't make it."
"Calista, your playing that stupid game again, aren't you?"
"It's not stupid...! Your stupid..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Come on Calista! You have tooooooo! Because your a good friiieeend!"
"Stop talking to me like thaaaat! Anyways, no I am staying home today. It's dark out and I hate the dark. I'll watch it with you another time."
"Fine... But you owe me! Make me lunch for tomorrow!"
"Kay. Bye."

I hung up and played my game. Hours passed by and began to cook dinner. I stopped and looked around my empty house. "This house is too big for just me..." I sighed and finished up my cooking.

I set down my plate and ate alone at the table like always.


"I'm just going uptown to get some groceries."
"Can I come too mommy?"
"Shopping is very dangerous for little girls, like yourself. Plus there will be people you have to talk to."
"U-um... Never mind! I don't want to go anymore! Have fun mommy!"I said and ran inside.

My mom never came back that day. A week passed and we went to her funeral. She died from a car accident.

5 months passed and I just turned 6. "I'm going to be in the back yard, Calista. If someone calls, remember to tell me first."
"Okaaaay!" My dad went outside and in about 1 hour the phone rang and I ran outside to the porch.

When I was about to call out to my dad, I saw a man stab my father with a knife. I
covered my mouth and slowly backed away. Then man left and I called 9-1-1.

I soon went to my fathers funeral too. I had no relatives I knew about near by so I ended up staying at that house. I don't know how I survived up until now.

*flashback ends*

I finished my meal and then looked out the window. I sat there for quite a while then I saw a shooting star. But all of a sudden it stopped and my vision got really bright.

With the light surrounding me and the floor gave away. I was falling. I then landed in the middle of a field but something seemed off about it. I looked down at my hands to see that I have been animated.

"Huh!? What's going on!? Where... Am I?" I got up and looked around. I began to walk hesitantly and soon I reached a town. It was dark and the streets were empty and dead silent.

I continued to walk when I stepped in a red liquid. "Huh? Is this... Blood?" I mumbled to myself and my eyes followed the stream of blood. There stood a man in black. T-that's...! The figure noticed me and jumped up to the room. When he was about to leave, I called out to him.


He stopped and turned around to look at me. He jumped back down and held a blade to my neck.

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