Chapter 16- First Trip Gone Wrong

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*Calista's POV*

2 weeks have gone by since I talked to Kinshiro about the trip and the day has finally arrived.

I grabbed my stuff and rushed over to Kyokatei. "I'm here!" Kinshiro smiled and said "your the first one here. You must be really excited. After all your 10 minutes early." I laughed nervously.

"I've never been on a trip before so of course I'm excited. I've never been out of my home town either. I've never seen much."
"Well, I hope it's a trip to remember."

A little while had passed before Dr. Wakasa and Hotaka had come in. Hotaka looked quite chipper while Wakasa had just smiled calmly. "It's been a while since we went on a trip! It'll be fun!" Hotaka said happily and Wakasa snickered behind him.

Soji, Aoi, and Ichika walked in after them. Aoi yawned scratching his head. I assume he had just woken up. Behind him Soji was expressionless like always and Ichika happier than usual.

Natsume and Sion walked in happily. "Alright, now that everyone is here... Shall we head out?"
"Yeah!" I said happily raising a fist in the air and everyone laughed at me. I lowered my hand blushed, giggling quietly.

We all left and eventually, Edo too. After a little ways of walking I looked back at Edo which seemed so far away. It looked to small from here. Soji noticed I stopped and said "careful or we might leave you behind."

I spun back around and caught up to them. "Sorry." I apologized and Soji laughed in a whisper voice. We arrived at a forest and everyone walked in like they were use to it. I walked in hesitantly, looking around dumbfoundedly.

There were cute little animals and beautiful scenery. It seemed like I was in a daze, but I made sure I stayed with the group. I heard laughter head of me and I looked over to see Hotaka, Sion, Wakasa, and Kinsiro laughing at me.

"You sure are cute when your looking around like that, Kitty." Sion said and I blushed. "I-I'm not cute..."
"Sure you are! Your adorable!" Hotaka then said smiling, child-like. "Stop teasing me..."
"I think they are serious, Calista." Kinshiro said and turned back around.

I ended up watching in front of me until-
"Oh. I see a light up ahead... Is that the end?" I asked curiously. "Should be, we will take a break up ahead." Kinshiro announced and everyone laughed. "Too much for you, old man?" Aoi said teasingly.
"Hey! I'm not that old!" Kinshiro yelled, getting worked up. Everyone laughed.

When we got out of the woods. "Woah! Look at that! What is it!?" I asked excitingly, pointing towards water, as far as the eye can see. "I'm sure you've heard of an ocean before. You never read about them?" Natsume asked surprised. "I might have at some point..."

Kinshiro took us down to the ocean and we walked along the shore. Until we found a nice spot to stop and eat. After that Kinshiro, Wakasa, Hotaka, and Sion all went to go find a hotel to stay in. It was going to get dark soon so they thought, maybe we should stop for today.

I got up and walked closer towards the ocean. "This is so cool..." Ichika came up behind me and grabbed my shoulder. "What are you looking at?" I pointed at the ocean and said "I can't even see the end... It seems like we are so small compared to it..." I glanced over at Ichika who nodded and then turned his head to look at the guys behind us.

He stuck out his tongue and then put his arm around me. The guys jaws dropped and they looked furious. Soji, Natsume, and Aoi came over to me as well.

Soji scooted Ichika over and glared at him. Ichika glared right back and asked "what do you think your doing!?"
"I could ask you the same thing."

Aoi and Natsume each grabbed a side of hair that was not in a ponytail. Aoi ran his fingers through it and had a mischievous smirk on his face. Natsume too ran his fingers through my hair but blushed and kissed it.

"W-w-what are you doing!? C-cut it out... All of you!" Ichika grabbed my hand to keep me from braking free they continued to glare at each other.

W-what are they thinking!? Just then we heard a scolding voice behind us. Kinshiro and they others stood there. "What are you doing?" Wakasa asked smiling but his eyes were cold as ice towards the others. Everyone backed away from me and I let out a sigh.

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