Chapter 30- Ending: Home- Part 2/2

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*Calista's POV*

I looked over to see Soii, Aoi, Sion, Wakasa, Natsume, Hotaka, Ichika, and Kinshiro all ran into the room.

I laid in my pool of blood that drained from my body. I felt my life slowly draining away.

They all rushed over to me.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I said and felt my eyes get heavier.

"Stay awake! We can't lose you like this!"
"Live on with us! We just got you back!"
"Don't die on us! We will fix you up!"

They all called out to me and tears streamed down my face.

They do they have to make it so hard to leave? Why don't they just give up? I'm dying and they can't stop it... So why?

My body started to glow and we all got startled.

What's happening!?

My surroundings got bright and I heard everyone call out to me.


I fell to the ground in my empty house. I looked back out the window where it all started. Shooting stars all rushed past my vision and I began to cry.

"I'm back... Was it all... a dream...?"

I felt a pain in my chest area but it was the same pain I felt when I stabbed myself.

I looked down and dry blood stained my clothing. I looked at my leg, it had a bullet hole.

"No way...!" I cried even harder as I thought about the guys.

All of a sudden-

"Calista!" I heard a group of people call from behind me.

I slowly turned around and couldn't believe what I saw.

"Guys!?" They were all sitting on the floor like I was.

"How did we get here...?" Soji asked confused. Ichika looked around and said "Everything looks so weird."
Kinshiro then asked "Is this you home? Your real home?"

Everyone went quiet and waited for my answer.

"Yes. This is my house." I replied and got up.

From that day on the guys spent their time at my place.

I guess none of that was a dream... But I know for a fact it wasn't a game.

At least here... I don't have to run away from Willem.

When I came back to the real world, I realized how empty I felt without the guys with me.

I love them.

But one in specific.

But that's a secret on who I chose.

No matter what, I would want to follow them everywhere.

~Happy Ending: Home~

"I Love You" A Ninja Assassin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now