Chapter 11- Aoi

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*Calista's POV*

Ah... It's stormy out today... It's raining like crazy. I need to go out thought...! I promised Aoi I would go visit him today.


"You want me to go down to your place for a bit? Why?"

"Because I didn't get much of a chance to talk to you. So why don't you just come on over Tuesday? I have a day off and don't have plans."

"Oh, uh... Sure. I'll see you Tuesday then."

*Flashback Ends*

I grabbed my umbrella and Sion called out to me. "Your going out? But it's so rainy!"
"Uh, yeah. I have to go see Aoi today. I'm off, now."
"Alright, good luck."

I waved goodbye and headed out. "Man, it's windy too...!" I said to myself as the wind pushed my umbrella back. It ten flew out of my hand and disappeared into the heavy rain. "Oh! No way..." I sighed and continued to walk through the rain.

I'm just about there... But it's hard to walk in a wet kimono. I eventually made it to the front door and knocked. Aoi opened the door and looked at me surprised. "What are you doing out there without an umbrella!? Come inside, quick! You will catch a cold!" He said and pulled me inside.

"My umbrella flew away... It's really windy out there."
"If it's that bad, you shouldn't have come over."
"No way! I promised I would come see you!"
"Yeah, but you need to take care of yourself first!" He exclaimed and threw me a towel.

I sighed and began to dry myself off. He pulled out a seat in front of the mirror and said "I can dry your hair, here."
"Okay... Thanks." I said and sat in the seat. He grabbed a comb and blow dryer, then began to dry my hair.

After that he brushed through it tenderly and said "you have really nice hair... I think it's nice down. See?" I blushed at his comment and turned away from the mirror.

"I don't know about that... I always liked the hairstyle of a ponytail so that's what I always did."
"It does look good on you, but truthfully I think any hairstyle would look great on you."
"Your the man of the hair, so I'll believe that."

The room went silent for a bit then Aoi looked out the window. "Doesn't look like this storm is going to go away until tomorrow. Plus, it looks like it's getting worse. Looks like your stuck here for a while."

"Why can't I just walk back to Iseya?"
"What part of 'you'll catch a cold' don't you understand?"
"Ugh... Well, then I don't know what to do..."
"Let's talk for a bit. That's what you came here for anyways."

Riiiight... I forgot. "So, do you have any friends back at home?"
"I have my friend Jennifer. That's it."
"That's all? How often so you two hang out?"
"Rarely. We call each other though..."

Aoi shrugged and asked "you lost your family right? And you have one friend who you don't hang out with often. So, wouldn't it be lonely? Where you scared that your friend would leave you too?"

"I can't really remember what loneliness feels like anymore.. But I must have felt it without knowing. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she left me... If she did, I would have nothing and no one."
"Calista... What about school? Any sports or anything? What about your grades?"
"I'm top athlete at my school. Fastest runner, highest and farthest jumper. My grades are all A's and B's."

I no longer had an expression on my face as I answered all his questions. "Sorry, you don't look very happy. Let's talk about something else."
"Oh, sorry for looking down! I really didn't mean to get you upset! You can continue to ask questions if you want but no pressure."

Aoi thought and said "if you left us, and went back home... would you feel sad? Would you try and come back with everything you had?" My eyes opened wide and then I nodded. He smiled and ruffled my hair.

Aoi slept in a corner, surrendering his bed to me. I felt guilty but, I already know that he will make me use it. I got into bed and fell asleep.

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